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Thread: Gyno

  1. #1
    Kristopher22's Avatar
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    I thought I would share this since for me it was a total surprise:

    I have been using AAS pretty regularily for the past 5 years and never had a problem with Gyno.

    The past 5-6 cycles have been moderate doses of Deca , Test E, and 4 week F/L DBol . This cycle works very well for me with minimal sides.

    This particular cycle was identical to the past ones mentioned only this time I started without my PCT, knowing that I would have it when I needed it (A mistake I shouldn't have made).

    Around week 4 I noticed my nipps were quite tender but carried on regardless not thinking anywhere near gyno since I have never had these issues in the past. A few weeks later I realized I was developing gyno and fast! I contacted my source who did not have any Aromosin, Letro, or Arimidex ..... Only Nolva and Clomid.

    Long story short, I was another 2 weeks waiting on Letrozole to reverse it.

    Morale of this long winded story, just because you are not open to a particular side from a drug today, you may be in the future. Keep your AI's on hand and never start a cycle unless you have ALL COMPONENTS most importantly, your PCT.

    Cheers Fellas.

  2. #2
    J_M is offline New Member
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    did u revese it in time?

    When u mean tender nip do u mean liek getin sore, cause mine jsut started but i realizzed it rite away, n jumped on novaldex, still fellin sore a bit, should go away bout a week.. novaldex wll get rid of it rite? will i be safe now from any conversion cause to get gyno doenst it take few weeks to grow? please info me on this?

    Im getin sore nips.!!


    Hey, i need some info on gyno, i was on deca 250 n dbol my nips started getin sore as soon as i took the dbols juring my cycle of deca.. but i jumped on some nova.. then went away , i finished tha whole bottle.. n the dbols too. i was fine for a while, im gone my deca now n started getin sore nip on my left again big time, it comes n goes , it gets sore more at nite n this started liek a bout 2 days now, jumped on some nova rite away, im dont feel any itchyness, but i noticed a burn maybe cause i was constantly feelin it to check, anyone think it will go away without any permanent damage, if i keep on the nova. do u have glands behing ur nips that get swollen first from the higt test level then estro conersion before any development?

  3. #3
    Kristopher22's Avatar
    Kristopher22 is offline Associate Member
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    Nolvadex was NOT enough to stop the gyno with me. If you have access to Letro or Arimidex (which you do at AR-R ), I would get that asap. Especially if youa re having signs now. I put it off and I had the very same sides you did, only to have it turn into gyno. It started with VERY tender nipps and then I started to notice they were changing form and becoming pointy and puffy. I have been running 2.5mg letro ed for the past week or so and it seems to be subsiding. I can not determine whether you have gyno or not, but Order your Letro now. Also, if you are getting gyno on Nolva, then you must use an AI like Aromasin or Arimidex rather than nolva.

  4. #4
    J_M is offline New Member
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    hey, well how woudl you get gyno from novedex when its sopose to be an anti estrogen blocker, and my nips started getting swolen few days ago, doesnt gyno when u actualy get the form take few weeks if u dont take nothin to stop it, cause i took nova rite away n the pain n sweealiness is slowy goin away, when u got it could u feel a biger bump underneath?

  5. #5
    J_M is offline New Member
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    also when u were developing gyno was it still sore n do u get itchy when developing gyno?.. i think im good casue i started gettin sore few days ago after i was done my cycle n wasnt on any blocker. was takin deca 250.. i should be good rite because u cant get bitch tits in a few day?

  6. #6
    ph34rsh4ck is offline Member
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    if you get the puffy nips goin, can you reverse it later on? or is it permanent?

  7. #7
    J_M is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ph34rsh4ck
    if you get the puffy nips goin, can you reverse it later on? or is it permanent?
    hmm, i wouldnt wait till later on, i would act quick on it, using novedex should take care of it depending on how bad u got it, n how long its been developing?

  8. #8
    mrjingalang is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristopher22
    I thought I would share this since for me it was a total surprise:

    I have been using AAS pretty regularily for the past 5 years and never had a problem with Gyno.

    The past 5-6 cycles have been moderate doses of Deca , Test E, and 4 week F/L DBol . This cycle works very well for me with minimal sides.

    This particular cycle was identical to the past ones mentioned only this time I started without my PCT, knowing that I would have it when I needed it (A mistake I shouldn't have made).

    Around week 4 I noticed my nipps were quite tender but carried on regardless not thinking anywhere near gyno since I have never had these issues in the past. A few weeks later I realized I was developing gyno and fast! I contacted my source who did not have any Aromosin, Letro, or Arimidex ..... Only Nolva and Clomid.

    Long story short, I was another 2 weeks waiting on Letrozole to reverse it.

    Morale of this long winded story, just because you are not open to a particular side from a drug today, you may be in the future. Keep your AI's on hand and never start a cycle unless you have ALL COMPONENTS most importantly, your PCT.

    Cheers Fellas.
    Thanks Bro i always keep my letro on hand

  9. #9
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
    Dog-Slime is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by J_M
    Hey, i need some info on gyno, i was on deca 250 n dbol my nips started getin sore as soon as i took the dbols juring my cycle of deca.. but i jumped on some nova.. then went away , i finished tha whole bottle.. n the dbols too. i was fine for a while, im gone my deca now n started getin sore nip on my left again big time, it comes n goes , it gets sore more at nite n this started liek a bout 2 days now, jumped on some nova rite away, im dont feel any itchyness, but i noticed a burn maybe cause i was constantly feelin it to check, anyone think it will go away without any permanent damage, if i keep on the nova. do u have glands behing ur nips that get swollen first from the higt test level then estro conersion before any development?
    You probably need some cabergoline to combate progesterone gyno... I think I have heard that nolva can even make this worse. Might wanna look into some caber and letro to take care of that.

  10. #10
    J_M is offline New Member
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    Feb 2007

    ordered letro!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kristopher22
    Nolvadex was NOT enough to stop the gyno with me. If you have access to Letro or Arimidex (which you do at AR-R), I would get that asap. Especially if youa re having signs now. I put it off and I had the very same sides you did, only to have it turn into gyno. It started with VERY tender nipps and then I started to notice they were changing form and becoming pointy and puffy. I have been running 2.5mg letro ed for the past week or so and it seems to be subsiding. I can not determine whether you have gyno or not, but Order your Letro now. Also, if you are getting gyno on Nolva, then you must use an AI like Aromasin or Arimidex rather than nolva.
    Hey bro . i ordered letro just incase to be safe. i mean if i take letro it the minor bit of gyno should go away completely right. because its onyl minor. not even noticeable . went to the doctors n explained my problem he took a look and said it should clear up on its own.. the glands are clogged but should clear up n go away.. so he said wait it out but they dont no bout this product and i dont wanna taka a chance waitin it out.. n now im noticin my left nip getin itchy a bit .. ive been off my cycle for over 2 weeks n got sore nips shortly after the cycyle. takin nova helped a bit but not completley going away? letro should take care of it n should i keep on a natrual test while on letro cause it kills sex drive temparaly?
    One more thing i didnt understand either can u explain u know when u come off a cycle .. your nuts and natural test levels should come back to normal by them self without natural test bosster like tribuls or nova rite?? cause i did my first cycle n never took any test booster after forr pct.. this cycle 2nd one i am.. let me know thnx!
    Last edited by J_M; 03-07-2007 at 10:43 PM.

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