just woundering who here does vitamin b 12 shots and at what dose and frequency... i cut my last cycle of sust with a 1000mcg e/w and had a good energy boost. anyone eles have any experience on the subject???
just woundering who here does vitamin b 12 shots and at what dose and frequency... i cut my last cycle of sust with a 1000mcg e/w and had a good energy boost. anyone eles have any experience on the subject???
i heard alot of people complaining about price... i dont see what the big deal is, you can get it over the counter at your local drug store @ $6 per 10ml bottle. but does anyone eles here use it in there cycles???
i just got mine in the mail from romania, b12 ampoules, im going to start taking them with my 1 ml of sust 250 on each monday for the last 6 wks of my cycle
I get mine from CANADA. 1 ml/wk does me.
not in FL you can't buy sq b12 otc
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