Hey guys!! well after officially reading up on steroids, the uses benefits, pros n cons, and with the help of everyone here on the board, ive come to conclusion that the test c. or e. would be a great starter for a begginner cycle!!
now im gonna ask a different questions... i want some personal experience from guys that did Test C. or E. ONLY.
I wanna see how it worked out for you guys, did it give you promising results, did you get what you were looking for and all that good stuff
now please keep in mind that this is a TEST C. or TEST E. cycle ONLY, so dont comments if you stacked it with something else
you guys have educated me tremendously, but now its time for some real life experiences to educate me and not what official statistically posted info on steroids
for example, the DECA steroid isnt all that graet if you dont stack it with this and that and a PCT is a must with some of this to stop the breast tissue and all that good stuff
but my 19year old cousin did DECA only, and i mean ONLY for 6weeks and he came out badass with NO SIDE EFECTS other than roid rage, and no PCT whatsoever, he doesnt even know whta PCT stands for....
so once again..... post comments if you used ONLY TEST C. or TEST E. in a cycle
post how much did you use, how often a week, the concentration of the bottle and for how long... and also what was your workout routine, your diet and all that good stuff
thanks for any comments guys!!