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Thread: Test C. (or E.) ONLY cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Test C. (or E.) ONLY cycle

    Hey guys!! well after officially reading up on steroids, the uses benefits, pros n cons, and with the help of everyone here on the board, ive come to conclusion that the test c. or e. would be a great starter for a begginner cycle!!

    now im gonna ask a different questions... i want some personal experience from guys that did Test C. or E. ONLY.

    I wanna see how it worked out for you guys, did it give you promising results, did you get what you were looking for and all that good stuff

    now please keep in mind that this is a TEST C. or TEST E. cycle ONLY, so dont comments if you stacked it with something else

    you guys have educated me tremendously, but now its time for some real life experiences to educate me and not what official statistically posted info on steroids

    for example, the DECA steroid isnt all that graet if you dont stack it with this and that and a PCT is a must with some of this to stop the breast tissue and all that good stuff

    but my 19year old cousin did DECA only, and i mean ONLY for 6weeks and he came out badass with NO SIDE EFECTS other than roid rage, and no PCT whatsoever, he doesnt even know whta PCT stands for....

    so once again..... post comments if you used ONLY TEST C. or TEST E. in a cycle

    post how much did you use, how often a week, the concentration of the bottle and for how long... and also what was your workout routine, your diet and all that good stuff

    thanks for any comments guys!!

  2. #2
    If you like using your penis at all I would forget about a deca only cycle. Test E alone seems to be a pretty standard first time cycle. I will be starting mine in a few months at 500mg for 12 weeks, then clomid for PCT (with some nolva on hand just incase of gyno). If you have the right nutrition, PCT, and drive at the gym I hear you can keep 10-20 pounds on post cycle. But I am sure some of the vets on here will chime in and be able to tell you more.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    great great!! but you havent tried it yet? your GONNA start in a few weeks?

    how bout the side effects? any bad acne? roid rage? will i get oily skin? dry skin? loss of sex drive? MORE sex drive?

    still hoping someone that has tried it can share some of there experiences

    thanks in advance!!

  4. #4
    My first cycle was test E only. I'm older so I don't get much acne, hairloss, or Gyno.
    Test E is great, but it won't kick in for about a month. Things like roid rage, etc. are individual. I doubt you will have much, if any.
    Decent gains. Always a good first cylce. Just be patient. Test Prop will kick in about day 5 if you don't want to wait.
    PCT: Get your nolva and clomid or aromasin first.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    wow thanks alot for the info.... well i dont mind waiting a month for results, but will they be good promising results? like good noticeable ones? or all youll notice is more energy at the gym and more weight? keep in mind im lokin to get some good muscle

    and when you say try the TEST P. seeing as how results will kick in within 5days, any comments or thoughts regarding that? in other words, why would the P. be faster results than the C. or the E.? is it stronger? will the side effects be greater than the E. or C.? or will my gains not last long as they would with the E. and C.?

    ill look into that, no one has mentioned the TEST P. before, ill do some reading on it, but got any personal thoughts or opinions regarding that kinda steroid?

    thanks in advance old man

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    rip off Ireland
    keep researching bro if you dont even no about the differnt tests esters your most likely not ready for roids.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    no no i have some education regarding them, i just never heard anyone mention the TEST P. before..... so i didnt really bother on reading up on them

    ive read up on Winnie, Test E. n C., Deca, Tren, Primo, and Dbol..... those are the most common frequent ones ive had mentioned as good uses by many people

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Northern Iowa
    Test Propionate, read about it. Plus what are you trying to gain from real world experiences exactly? Because everyone's is going to be different because everyone will react different to every compound
    Quote Originally Posted by latinplaya
    well i dont mind waiting a month for results, but will they be good promising results? like good noticeable ones? or all youll notice is more energy at the gym and more weight? keep in mind im lokin to get some good muscle
    There is no way for anyone to tell you if your going to have good promising results with a compound. They might have blown up 20lbs on Eq and they tell you its awsome and you try it and you gain nothing. No one can tell you what your going to do on each compound. I am starting my 4th week of Test Enathate only today, and I frontloaded (do you know what that is?) I have not felt anything yet. Some people feel it by week 3 so if someone told me frontloading id definately feel it by week 3, Id be pissed because I haven't. However I understand that each person reacts different and only my own experiences will tell me how I react to it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by latinplaya
    wow thanks alot for the info.... well i dont mind waiting a month for results, but will they be good promising results? like good noticeable ones? or all youll notice is more energy at the gym and more weight? keep in mind im lokin to get some good muscle
    It is possible to have very good results with test e. I had awesome results from my test only cycle but it wasn't test c or e. won't see any good noticelable anything if you dont eat properly, get enough sleep, train hard, etc..

    I've been reading your threads and I think you should spend some solid time learning about eating, training and steroids before you begin to take them. But you seem absolutely set on doing this so at the very least go to the diet/workout forums and make sure everything is in check (like i told you in your other thread) so you can make the most out of it. Good luck man .

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    wow.... again Haro thank you soo much..... thats some good honest down to earth explanation right there, and experience

    wow im sorry you havent felt anything from the Test E. yet, and you frontloaded?! yes i know what it means, haha but thanks for not clownin on me bc you thought i didnt, it means you juiced up alot first 1-2 weeks of it to get a good start.....

    but damn... .no results and its your 4th week? how do yo ufeel about that?

    i know i never explained my story, but i took some fake steroids one time, my cousins friend sold it to me called "Ultra TC" after 5weeks, it did nothing to me, and my health n nutrition friend told me i was crazy for takin some shit i didnt know jack abuot..... i felt real dirty i felt like i just injected dirty toxins into my clean virgin body :-P

    ever since then (7months ago) ive been reading up on steriods and i also took a liver cleanser from GNC for about 1month and a half, well 60 tablets was the bottle and i took from 2-3 a day.....

    once again, sorry that your not gettin anything from the Test... i hope it doesnt happen to me

    any more ocmments?! keep em coming, i love to hear these things, they educate me very much!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Anaboxa34
    It is possible to have very good results with test e. I had awesome results from my test only cycle but it wasn't test c or e. won't see any good noticelable anything if you dont eat properly, get enough sleep, train hard, etc..

    I've been reading your threads and I think you should spend some solid time learning about eating, training and steroids before you begin to take them. But you seem absolutely set on doing this so at the very least go to the diet/workout forums and make sure everything is in check (like i told you in your other thread) so you can make the most out of it. Good luck man .
    i love everyone on this thread!! thank you soo much!! im def. gonan start reading the diet/workout threads, i hope i get a good diet goin so i can get the maximum of results

    your help and comments will not be in vain, i will take full advantage of everything your guys are helpin me with here and i will show you it paid off

    ill even start a thread the way Haro did

    ill post pics and everything!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I read that test e hurts more than test c to inject? anyone

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by dupa95
    I read that test e hurts more than test c to inject? anyone
    What hurt the most was just jabbing the muscle for the first 3-4 times. You might not think its so bad, but you might flip out because its sooooo sore sometimes. I couldn't do legs for the first 3 weeks, crouching was next to impossible to bare.
    Now jabbing is no big deal...just can't wait for the supposive test P pain

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    i can handle the needles, no prob.!!

    when i did the fake steroids, i used a 20g 1.5inch needle and it didnt bother me a bit... but of course the first shot was scary as hell!! thast neelde is soo thick and long!!

    but after the first one, meh, there nothing

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I started my Test C cycle, and its huring me quite a bit, lets hope its cos its the first shot, also i think i noticed a bit of redness, nothing bad i hope...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    is it swole? does it hurt? you prob. struck a nerve or a vein, nothing serious, in time it will heal, but yea.... when i was on my... 2nd shot? yea, i beleive it was the second shot of fake steroids that i took, i went at a bad angle and i did a bad shot, well my friend did it for me

    i was sore for like 4 days. oowww!!!!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Northern Iowa
    Im on Test E right now, no pain from the gear, but my first shot I had mad pain in my leg from it being a virgin muscle, but no pain in my other leg, or either delt even with the first shot in each of them. the last 3 shots I havn't even felt anything really. Its getting a bit tougher to push the needle in but not bad at all yet. I use 25g 1". But I heard that my UGL doesn't have much pain. Pain is probably most dependent on what UGL and compound you use, some UGL's are more painful than others, and most Human Grade is absolutely painless from what I've read.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by dupa95
    I read that test e hurts more than test c to inject? anyone
    I think this is very individual.
    I have injected prop, test e and c and none of them hurt for me.

    2ml of Test Prop in the delts does not hurt at all but some people get crippled.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    so you think i hit a vein? When you mean vergin muscle, you mean that it never recieved steroids in it or it will be the first shot of the cycle.. i had another 2 cycles and all shot in tricep

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    anyone else with experiences of using only Test in there cycle?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    My first Cycle was Test-E only. It was awsome! I didn't have my diet down.... still dont.... so I didn't get the most out of it. I was still able to gain.... if I can remember... around 20-23 lbs after all was said and done. I had pretty good strength gains also. It might've been all in my mind but I was also never as focused and intense in the gym as I was on my first cycle. About the pain, I've never had any pain from Test-E or C..... now Prop is a different story, like MorganKane said.... I was crippled. I stick with it though and after a while it stoped bothering me.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    My first cycle consisted of testosterone cypionate 250/mg/ML by Rugby.

    Anyone remember those red boxes? yummy

    Best gains I ever had!! That could be due to fresh receptors and a first cycle.

    That was 1988

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Great !!

    ok how often did you take shots during the week? 2x250mg or 1x500mg?

    and of course im referring to 1=1cc so obviously 2ccx250mg a week or 1ccx500mg a week?

    how was your PCT? did it work good? was it bad? any side effects from this cycle of yours?

    im glad to hear you did this, id love some feedback!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In your crawlspace
    Quote Originally Posted by THE PUMP
    keep researching bro if you dont even no about the differnt tests esters your most likely not ready for roids.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by HardCharger
    My first Cycle was Test-E only. It was awsome! I didn't have my diet down.... still dont.... so I didn't get the most out of it. I was still able to gain.... if I can remember... around 20-23 lbs after all was said and done. I had pretty good strength gains also. It might've been all in my mind but I was also never as focused and intense in the gym as I was on my first cycle. About the pain, I've never had any pain from Test-E or C..... now Prop is a different story, like MorganKane said.... I was crippled. I stick with it though and after a while it stoped bothering me.
    Great !!

    ok how often did you take shots during the week? 2x250mg or 1x500mg?

    and of course im referring to 1=1cc so obviously 2ccx250mg a week or 1ccx500mg a week?

    how was your PCT? did it work good? was it bad? any side effects from this cycle of yours?

    im glad to hear you did this, id love some feedback!

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    The way I took the shots were pretty standard.... Monday morning before school and Thruseday night. I had some 300mg/ml Test-E and I just did 1ml or 1cc for every shot. For my first few pokes I couldn't stick myself. It was as if there was a layer of steal over my skin. My mind just stoped my hand right before the needle touched. So this is what I did. I got all set up and ready for the shot. Then I had a friend nudge my hand a little. As soon as he touched my hand to push it I just stuck it in. I had to do it like this for my first few shots. No one ever explained PCT to me and there weren't any forums around then either. I was really interested in the subject and learned about the balanceing act you body plays when it comes to hormones. I decided to go to a local suplemnt shop and asked that huge mofo what he had to get rid of estergen. He schooled me about the subject and hooked me up something... still dont know what it was, along with some other things like saw palmeto, B vitimans and a few other things. All in all, I went about a month maaybe longer with out PCT and still kept a ton of the muscle. The only side effect I had from this cycle was.... A little depression from turning to phamacuticals. After that came the excitement about doing it again.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    really? no side effects?

    goes to show all about the PCT

    i made a thread regarding why PCT is so important. check it out

    my cousin and friend didnt do PCT and they came out spectacular!

    but lets not side track from the topic.... you did 1cc every week of test?

    for how long? and how many bottles you use?

  28. #28
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Test E should be injected every 3.5 days to keep the blood levels stable and to reduce side effects. 500mg's split into 2 injections per week should do the trick nicely. Make sure you have your PCT planned and in hand before the cycle starts in case of complications. You can expect to lose some of your gains during PCT, but if administered properly, you can keep a good deal of those gains.

    My first cycle was 150mg's Prop EOD for 6 weeks. Short but sweet. Diet was good, but could have been better. Gained 15lbs of solid steel...haha. Lost a few lbs during PCT but nothing significant. As for side effects;
    Bad ones
    -sweat like a motha
    -bit of acne during PCT from Nolva
    -first few injects crippled the hell outta me. Think Bruce Lee roundhouse kicking your thighs. Hobbled like rookie pornstar for a week.

    Good ones
    -sex drive. After day 3 i was eye f*cking every girl in the gym...regardless of what they looked like. The gf became my biggest fan.
    -lean, fast gains. Low water retention.
    -Strength. It amazing how fast you bump your weight up on every exercise.

    Anyways ya....thats my story for ya. As for the injections now, they're easy as pie. Currently running cycle 3 which is Suspension, Prop and Tren. Little to no injection pain. Huge gains. My best advice to you though is to not take your PCT lightly. Fortunately for me, I got to see the effect of improper PCT before I ever experienced it myself. A good friend ran a great cycle, got massive and didn't run anything for PCT. He lost 75% of his gains (20lbs), got nasty titties and is addicted to Cialis. Ouch. This is serious stuff man. Treat it maturely. Anyways, good luck!

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Naw Bro, I did 1cc twice a week, 1cc Monday and 1cc Thursday. I only used 1 bottle, not sure how many ml's were in it, but it was a 30ml bottle. It wasn't all the way full and I had a little bit left when my cycle was over. I ran it for three months.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by latinplaya
    Great !!

    ok how often did you take shots during the week? 2x250mg or 1x500mg?

    and of course im referring to 1=1cc so obviously 2ccx250mg a week or 1ccx500mg a week?

    how was your PCT? did it work good? was it bad? any side effects from this cycle of yours?

    im glad to hear you did this, id love some feedback!
    We didn't know what PCT was back in 1988, at least the average guido juicer on the street didn't. The pro's were taking clomid I believe. I did the pyramid method, started out with 1 cc and bumped it half a cc till I reached 3. Stayed at 3 for a bit and came back down to 1cc and stopped. I lost half of my gains but I was still up 15 lbs from where I had started when it was all said and done.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    so if my bottle is lets say 250mg (concentration) then i should do 2shots of 1cc 2x a wek correct? that should equal 2cc=500mg right? jus doin some last bit touchup of my info i learned here

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Correct! 1cc twice a week... 1cc monday and 1cc thursday. At 250mg/ml that would equal a weekly total of 500mg. How many ml's do you have and how long do you plan on running it?

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    recommended for a first timer.... 10weeks

    400mg a week, so ill do 2shots of 1cc

    ill need to get to vial though, the supplier i know is 10ml bottles

    wa u think?

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    IMO you should run it for 12 weeks, also run it at 500mg a week. If you get three 10ml bottles @ 250mg/ml, it will last you for the full 12 weeks. Yeah you'll have a little left over but you can save it and use it on your next cycle.... If you choose to do another. But again these are all just my opinions. Since this is your first cycle, what sive pins are you going to use? What size syringes? Do you know where you stick and how to do it? Also, spend the extra money and get a sharps container, it's safer not only for you but the poor folks at the dump also. Have you though about how you will despose of your needles?
    Last edited by HardCharger; 03-01-2007 at 10:07 PM.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Personally I have done two TEST E. ONLY cycles to date. And if I remember correctly, both times I used Test E. @ 750mg/week.

    I'm a fairly easy gainer, although I did not keep track of the extreme details, I did gain about 20 pounds on each cycle, and my strength shot up quite a bit, but that was back when I didn't really care about "good quality muscle mass" and was just in the naive stage of "I wanna get big and strong"

    Anyways, as a first timer, I would say running it alone, for 12 weeks at 500mg (as said by previous members as well) is a great cycle.

    I myself am about to run a Test E. and Tren E. cycle soon, looking forward to it.

    Good luck.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    WHY CANT I PM ?!?!?!?

    but yea, i got 18g x 1.5" needle, the syringes are a max of 3cc, more than enough no?

    and yes i know how to dispose of them and also i know where to inject myself, keep in mind, i did do a cycle one time, about 7months ago, but it was fake steroids, i stopped at the 5th week when i was getitn no results other than the natural gains i got from killing myself at the gym since i THOUGHT i was taking steroids....

    it was some brand from mexico called "Ultra TC"

    stay away from that !!! There fake!! nothing but toxins!! i took liver cleansers for like 2months when i stopped

    but yea.... once again

    WHY CANT I PM YET?!?!?

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    in my lounge
    i just started my first cycle of Test E on Monday this week. am running it 10 weeks - frontloading the 1st week at 1000 then the remaining 9 at 500/wk. so i had a shot of 500 on Monday morning & one 500 yesterday evening. the advice I ve been given was to inject long esters every 3.5 days to keep blood levels steady. 1st shot went in the glute (hit a vein on that one i think - due to a lil blood, but no major probs) 2nd one went in my thigh last nite. both fine the day after ... my thigh feels a lil cramped up but neither pain, lumps or sores, so looks like all is goin well.
    I m usin 23g 1 1/4" and they are completely painless as is the gear itself .... always good to warm it a lil to make the oil thin out - goes in way easier that way.

    just my 2cents ... or actually a relay of the help n advice I ve been given

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    23g!?!? omg! no wonder you bled a bit, you stuck a straw in your body !!

    off topic... y cant i pm yet?

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Boise, ID
    I'm currently doing my first cycle of test E only.
    I just finished week 2, total of 1g testo injected so far.

    Nothing in terms of size yet, but I am deff stronger.

    one more thing, im a gym instructor and i cant stop thinking about our female trainers with their underwear... doing flys and squats... ahhhhhhhhhhh !!!

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Latin, did you ride the short bus?

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