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  1. #1
    Stealth01 is offline New Member
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    Newb College Athlete looking for help with first cycle

    Hey guys whats up?
    I've been thinking about going on a cylce for about a year now and I have finally decided that I am ready. I am 22yrs old 6'2" 195lbs body fat 10-11% I am a collegiate track athlete and my events deal primarily with explosive power and speed. My question is what should I take to increase my explosive power, strength and speed, while maintaining a leaner physique? I have researched this question a lot and found that Winny is one of the steroids I have been told to cycle with for these goals. If so what kind of cycle should I go on with Winny? Also at first I was gonna get winny orals but I heard injectable was better for your liver. But if I just drink the injectable is it still better for my liver? Sorry for so many questions but I just wanna make sure I do this right, thanks.

  2. #2
    king6's Avatar
    king6 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stealth01
    Hey guys whats up?
    I've been thinking about going on a cylce for about a year now and I have finally decided that I am ready. I am 22yrs old 6'2" 195lbs body fat 10-11% I am a collegiate track athlete and my events deal primarily with explosive power and speed. My question is what should I take to increase my explosive power, strength and speed, while maintaining a leaner physique? I have researched this question a lot and found that Winny is one of the steroids I have been told to cycle with for these goals. If so what kind of cycle should I go on with Winny? Also at first I was gonna get winny orals but I heard injectable was better for your liver. But if I just drink the injectable is it still better for my liver? Sorry for so many questions but I just wanna make sure I do this right, thanks.
    Winny is more of a pre comp steroid , BB's use it to cut up. Not sure what kind of strength or explosive power you will get from it. Most steroids will put mass on, for what you are looking for, I would say maybe HGH would give you the results you are looking for. I'm not to familiar with the speed and performance steroids, more familiar with the bulking and cutting. There are steroids that will give you LM and strength, but I am not sure about the speed.

  3. #3
    Stealth01 is offline New Member
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    My main concern is really explosive power speed and strength I'm good with, I just need to be more explsosive, hang cleans, power cleans, snatches, etc.

  4. #4
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stealth01
    My main concern is really explosive power speed and strength I'm good with, I just need to be more explsosive, hang cleans, power cleans, snatches, etc.
    You do NOT want winny, it will dry out your joints and cause more pain than what you are looking for.

    Not an expert in your explosive field, but I would look into a EQ cycle with a little test .

  5. #5
    bigwillystyle's Avatar
    bigwillystyle is offline Associate Member
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    test, tren , winny , var , eq are all good for what your looking for, it all depends on your training, some of these compounds will make you hold more water(gain false weight) than others, but they will all make you stronger more explosive...basically training and diet dictates how you will benefit from the drug..

  6. #6
    zodiac666's Avatar
    zodiac666 is offline Senior Member
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    Mestanolone is supposed to be good for speed, strength, aggression, and endurance with little weight gain. i'm currently running it for the first time and my strength and aggression is definitely up although i am running it with a decent amount of test. definitely one to consider based on your goals.

  7. #7
    Stealth01 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2007
    Sounds good but now what are the recommendations, orals vs. injectables for a newbie

  8. #8
    powerinabottle1300's Avatar
    powerinabottle1300 is offline Junior Member
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    Go injectable, I tried orals before I knew much. Suck it up and do the two shots or so a week. Also really read up on pct, I never realized how important it was

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