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Thread: Urgent!

  1. #1


    I know i am about to sound like a total douche but bare with me. I started a cycle of Test Enanthate a bit over five weeks ago which I got from some dude who got it off the internet. It looked legit and I looked it up online to see that it wasn't bullshit, I was still a bit skeptical about the internet being involved. Apparently, most of the people i've spoken to regarding juice say the internet is the most common place to cop. However, I've been doing 500 mgs.week and havent noticed a god damn thing and it's been over five weeks. Am I total douche? Is it even possible for someone to get real gear on the internet or am I just a tool. Now, for some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Well it takes around 5 or 6 weeks for it to kick in so perhaps it hasn't kicked in yet. You should post pictures of it in the picture section and see what some of the more experienced users have to say about it. Next time dont buy from "some dude" that says he got it off the internet lol

  3. #3
    500 mgs for 5 weeks? If you haven't noticed anything... not even a little water weight... it's probably garbage. That is, assuming that this is your first cycle and you're not a 300 lb giant. It does take a few weeks and the results aren't as dramatic as people often dream they will be but after 5 weeks you should have noticed SOMETHING. I little extra strength, a few extra pounds, looking a little fuller, oily skin... SOMETHING.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Their fake bro..... i just finished a cyc of test e and i gained 18 lbs of it. Make sure your nutrition and diet are in tact because thats where you gain muscle the roids just help out. Your training might need some work. Take a look at diet and training forums for more info. IMO their garbage because after 3 weeks i put on about 12 lbs, mind you i eat like a mother......

  5. #5
    What does your diet look like? For me, Test E kicked in about the 3-4 week, but everyone is different. Your right to be suspect. I would wait til week 6 or even 7 and if nothing, throw it away and chalk it up as a loss.

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