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Thread: Tamox/Clomi/Letro ?

  1. #1

    Tamox/Clomi/Letro ?

    First I will like to say I’m new to this site and what a big help it has been all you guys seem to know your s#@t I have been doing a lot of reading and reading and then some more reading then a lil more and ever thing I have read about GYNO and what to take I have came up with this (witch I’m ordering from AR R) Tamox/Clomi/Letro the combo now if I don’t need all this let me know any help would be great …Once aging glad to be a part of a sit with such great people and great help


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    You might not even get gyno from using steroids.I know people that have ran half a dozen cycles without any anti-estrogens and have had no gyno related problems whatsoever.My advise....if your nipples start itching and you start getting bloated from the high estrogen... add an aromataze inhibitor...Tamoxifen and Clomid are not AI so don't use them on cycle.Letrozole(kills 98% estrogen) is the strongest AI so you might not like it,being a rookie and all.Aromasin(Kills 85 %) is the next strongest ,you will be ok with it and then # 3 is Arimidex(kills 50-70%)and is pretty good shit too.These are all drugs against breast cancer so you will not get gyno for sure if you pop 1 of these everyday.Tamoxifen is best Post Cycle.Between you and me I think those sprays from ARR are BS..get the real deal from your local dealer..Peace

  3. #3
    The problem is that I can’t find any of that around here I would love to get the real deal is there any where you can get the real deal?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by PROLLYHIM
    The problem is that I can’t find any of that around here I would love to get the real deal is there any where you can get the real deal?
    Bro, AR-R is completly legit. Very good PCT chems. I quite sure they wouldn't be a sponsor of one of the largest aas boards on the net if they were selling bunk chems..

  5. #5
    do you think 28 tabs of ARIMIDEX will do me..Thats what s thinking what sho I get do you think I need the comb.or just letro
    Last edited by PROLLYHIM; 02-28-2007 at 06:10 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Anaholic
    Bro, AR-R is completly legit. Very good PCT chems. I quite sure they wouldn't be a sponsor of one of the largest aas boards on the net if they were selling bunk chems..

    I agree.. I've never had any problems, lightning fast shipping too.. I'm in tx

  7. #7
    I'm in TX also why cant I send a privt message

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Me, too.. the great city of Austin..

    Anyway, lion is good to go, bro.. top nothc in my book. His letro has saved me TWICE to be specific

  9. #9
    Austin here too

  10. #10
    what part of austin arou from me NW by the lake

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by PROLLYHIM
    what part of austin arou from me NW by the lake

    i'm just off campus..UT, to be specific

  12. #12
    Taylor26 shoot me a message wanto ak you a few question thanx

  13. #13
    man I would like to ask you a few questions and maybe you can help me with my diet and a few other things you can shoot me a e-mail if you want

    I'm off 620 and 2222
    Last edited by PROLLYHIM; 02-28-2007 at 06:32 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by PROLLYHIM
    Taylor26 shoot me a message wanto ak you a few question thanx

    Your post count needs to be at 30 before you can receive PM's

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Kokaine
    You might not even get gyno from using steroids.I know people that have ran half a dozen cycles without any anti-estrogens and have had no gyno related problems whatsoever.My advise....if your nipples start itching and you start getting bloated from the high estrogen... add an aromataze inhibitor...Tamoxifen and Clomid are not AI so don't use them on cycle.Letrozole(kills 98% estrogen) is the strongest AI so you might not like it,being a rookie and all.Aromasin(Kills 85 %) is the next strongest ,you will be ok with it and then # 3 is Arimidex(kills 50-70%)and is pretty good shit too.These are all drugs against breast cancer so you will not get gyno for sure if you pop 1 of these everyday.Tamoxifen is best Post Cycle.Between you and me I think those sprays from ARR are BS..get the real deal from your local dealer..Peace
    good post

  16. #16
    Thanx for all the Info guys yall have beebig help

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    SERM's and AI's are more abused (these days) than Anabolics IMHO. No flame, but...Its radiculas.

    You may not even get gyno, which has been said already. Running 2 SERM's and the most powerful AI available to us it just plain abusing them and being far to cautious. Drive estrogen too low and risk lowering your immune system, creating/magnifiying joint problems and compromise your sex drive.

    IMHO, Letro's use is warranted on only a few occasions. Cutting or for pre-compettition. Using massive doses of aromotasables, using 19-Nors, VERY estrogenic prone user's or cruising on an AI. Its too effective. Some say its not others it is not. I'd take my chances and use another AI and not risk the above, on a mild/low dose.

    If your running Test for a first time. Run a low dose AI (Arimidex/Liquidex/Aromasin) and keep a SERM on hand. Or keep both on hand.

    Its good to be cautious, but not to the point your abusing compounds and wasting money.

  18. #18
    Yea I was going to keep it on hand just in case you never know just wanted make sure what to get..DONT WANT TO HAVE LOW SEX DRIVE LOL.any way you guys have helped alot just wanted to thank everyone that help

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2006
    AR-R is legit. Great chems. The clomid/nolva/letro ccombo is a great package. Especially for a beginner. You may not get gyno but better safe than sorry. If you do the letro will work great. Good luck with the first cycle. Youur pct should go very well with what you bought.

  20. #20
    THANX lifterjaydawg

  21. #21
    some great threads today,tanx.

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