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  1. #1
    vicrichards is offline New Member
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    Mar 2007

    Mixing Test-e and test-c in the same injection or not?

    Hi, firstly what an awesome forum, been reading quite a bit.

    I just wanted to ask the opinions of the people here on mixing test-e and test-c. I don't really have enough of either one to complete a course without mixing them. From reading here they seem almost the same steroid so i was thinking about just using them as if they were one and the same.

    If it is ok to mix them, what would be better, to use them both in the same injection ie 1ml of test-e and 1ml of test-c so that i get a constant flow of them both through out the course, or use up all the test-e first and then start with the test-c or visa/vesa

    One last question regarding this time i've read one way would be to load in 800mg day1 , 2 days later load in 400mg and then 400mg every 4 days. I hate injecting and have only ever managed to inject correctly in my pecs since i have a lot more control over the injection and i can easily see the bubbles when aspirating. To get 800mg in on day 1 is nearly 4ml, which is a lot to take in 1 day in volume. Would frontloading like this be ok...
    450mg day1, 450ml day 3, 450ml day5, 450ml day7, then 450ml every 4 days? ( i say 450ml since the test-e i have is 250mg/ml and the test-c is 200mg/ml so the max per 1 injection for me is really 450mg if mixing that way.

    thanks for any help on this.

  2. #2
    Tbone1975 is offline Member
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    Apr 2006
    IMO you're right test e and cyp are very similar with similar half lives. I'm mixing em right now. I would put them together like you first suggested, 1ml of each. I would not separate em, even though I doubt it would mess anything up, but just because their half lifes (lives), whatever LOL, are a little different. That frontloading looks fine to me, a little high maybe, if you are on one of your first few cycles. To me it looks good.

    Quote Originally Posted by vicrichards
    Hi, firstly what an awesome forum, been reading quite a bit.

    I just wanted to ask the opinions of the people here on mixing test-e and test-c. I don't really have enough of either one to complete a course without mixing them. From reading here they seem almost the same steroid so i was thinking about just using them as if they were one and the same.

    If it is ok to mix them, what would be better, to use them both in the same injection ie 1ml of test-e and 1ml of test-c so that i get a constant flow of them both through out the course, or use up all the test-e first and then start with the test-c or visa/vesa

    One last question regarding this time i've read one way would be to load in 800mg day1 , 2 days later load in 400mg and then 400mg every 4 days. I hate injecting and have only ever managed to inject correctly in my pecs since i have a lot more control over the injection and i can easily see the bubbles when aspirating. To get 800mg in on day 1 is nearly 4ml, which is a lot to take in 1 day in volume. Would frontloading like this be ok...
    450mg day1, 450ml day 3, 450ml day5, 450ml day7, then 450ml every 4 days? ( i say 450ml since the test-e i have is 250mg/ml and the test-c is 200mg/ml so the max per 1 injection for me is really 450mg if mixing that way.

    thanks for any help on this.

  3. #3
    vicrichards is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    thanks for the reply, that's made me feel better about going ahead with the mixing now. I'll reduce my frontloading dosage too since this is only my 3rd cycle. Good to know others are doing the same cycles and getting good results.

    cheers for the tips.

  4. #4
    Njord's Avatar
    Njord is offline Senior Member
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    Jan 2007
    Check out this thread by Marcus300 on frontloading:

  5. #5
    Maximus_Pecs's Avatar
    Maximus_Pecs is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2003
    I've been mixing them for 8 weeks now. The compounds are so close to each other that I don't see an major difference.

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