OK!...heres the deal, i am going to inject 300 mgs of deca into my quad on monday. the last time i injected in my quad, it was prop and i couldnt walk for one week, actually had crutches. now i have asked my questions and done my research and attributed that to a virgin quad muscle and prop just being a big pain in the ass (no pun intended)...so...couple of questions, im going to cut the deca with some cottenseed oil, is that ok?
also, if i have done it in the right quad, which gave me problems before, should i think that leg would be more used to AAS and give me less trouble? or should i stay away from it and inject in the left quad?
also, i have 1 inch and 1 1/2 inch needles, which one should i use for a quad inject?
also, is it better to stay lower on the quad or can i go up higher on the leg? (the site injections dot com shows a rather low injection spot i think)
also, one more thing, am i over thinking this because deca is just not going to give me problems like the prop did? and even if i am over thinking it, please answer the above questions for me...thanks for any help guys...just a little worried, needed someone to take me to the bathroom for a week last time i injected here haha