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  1. #1
    toddtrain is offline New Member
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    Mar 2007

    Injection problem

    So I think I have a problem. I did my first injection tuesday and I have developed a red patch about 3"x3" and soreness around the injection area. I injected Test E. It is from Signature pharm so I dont think it is contaminated. I have never had this problem before. Should I go to the hospital and get some antibiotics or should I give it a few days to see if it goes away.
    thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Just keep an eye on it , if it gets hot and the pain gets worse then definitely get it checked out, especially if you spike a fever

  3. #3
    newconquest is offline Associate Member
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    i wouldnt worry about it too much man, you just have sensitive muscles (aka virgin muscles)...just like me, im doin deca /test right now and that happens to me about once a week, it sucks for sure, but just give it a few days, it will go away, sometimes its really bad and it takes a week or so...i wouldnt worry to much about it, unless you get a fever like kale said

  4. #4
    toddtrain is offline New Member
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    Mar 2007
    thanks for the help. I have never injected in the glute before only my upper arms and quads and never had this problem. I will hang in for a few more days. It is a little warm but I dont have a fever.

  5. #5
    jagdpanther's Avatar
    jagdpanther is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by toddtrain
    thanks for the help. I have never injected in the glute before only my upper arms and quads and never had this problem. I will hang in for a few more days. It is a little warm but I dont have a fever.
    If an abscess is red and warm to the touch it is infected. I've had both sterille and infected abscess. Sterille infections don't change color, can swell(sometimes getting worse before better), and do not change temperature.

    An infected abcsess will most likey continue to swell and get worse. The swelling will be from growing amounts of puss and your body loading the tissue around the infection with water in an attempt to contian it(keep it local). If it gets to the point where you have a fever you have waited to long. The quicker you get antibiotics the quicker it will go away. In addition if you wait and it is infected, it may need to be drained with a syringe. I've never let it go that long from a needle shot but I have had an abcsees in the back of my throat from a bacterial infection which needed to be drained via a syringe. Trust me is is not pleseant, although I must say I felt 100% better within 24 hours

    When I went to the doctors for an infected abcsess (has happened twice), I tell them it is from self administered vitamin B12 shots. They usually RX 500mg keflex for 5 - 7 days. Since I hate going to the MD, I always have Keflex on hand when I cycle.

    b cool,


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