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Thread: Newbie after advice

  1. #1

    Newbie after advice

    Hi, 23yo guy, 6ft3 and 15st3. Never taken any type of steroid before but I'm frustrated by the lack of gains I have made. Been training for about 18 months. Gained 2 stone in this period whilst keeping my bf the same.

    Please could you give me advice on what steriod I should take, how I should take it and *Edited by Narkissos: Please Read the Rules*. Also, I was wondering if I was to take for about 6 weeks would this be long enough to see substantial gains? And would these gains disapear after I came off?

    Any advice would be appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    Welcome to Anabolic Review. I think before we jump into steroids, you should tell us about your diet and training regimen.

  3. #3
    OK no probs! I realise this my above post was shit.

    At present I'm training 3 days per week. Would love to train more though.

    Monday -
    Barbell squat, Dumbbell pullover superset x 3
    Leg Extension, Leg curl Superset x 3
    DB Shoulder press x 2
    Lateral Raise x 2
    Shrugs x 3

    Wednesday -
    DB Incline Bench press x 3
    DB Flyes x 1
    Dips x 3
    Tricep extension
    Ab Crunch, Reverse ab cruch (superset)

    Friday -
    Deadlift x 3
    Back extension x 1
    Chins x 3
    Seated Cable Row x 1
    Hammer curls, Lat Pulldown x 2 (Superset)
    Standing Calf raise x 3 (Drop sets)

    Diet (3800 cals)
    Breakfast - Porridge oats with honey & nuts and seeds
    Whey protein shake & Banana

    Mid morning snack - Low fat yoghurt, salad, apple

    Lunch - Can of Tuna with Rice

    Pre W/O - Mass shake
    Post W/O - 1Ltr chocolate milk (for simple sugars)

    Dinner - Wholegrain rice, pasta etc with lean meat & vegtables

    4 egg omlette

    Mass shake with milk

    Thanks in advance guys

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Welcome to ar

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