Wanted advice on my current cutting cycle. Ive been doing three weeks now of test prop,tren,equipoise,D-bol 50mg a day.
Im at 10% bf, 95kg, There are good vains poping out my arms and shoulder and I am pretty lean, but want to get leaner and more ripped.
Anyway ive been told itl be better to drop the D-bol and swtich to stanazol which will help me to get more ripped as the water im carrying will prob be from the D-bol at 50mg a day.
So should I switch from D-bol to stanazol? or is there some other change I need to make
As for my diet its very strict 6 days a week , high protein, low carbs, low fat, good intake of flax oil for healthy fats.
Here is a picture of me at the moment.