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Thread: Dianabol schuele Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Dianabol schuele Question

    Hey i was wonderin when thorughout the day should i take dbol i take 40 mgs a day i take 15mgs when i get up then go to the gym 1.5 hrs later 5 mg when im done working out whichs is like 1 some wherea around tehre then before work at around 5 i take 5 mgs during work 5mgs at 8 o clock then 10 mgs beofre i go to sleep which is like 1 am. Does this sound ok or should i take less before i go to sleep and add that 5mg instead of 10 somehwere else?

  2. #2
    I take it 20mg with my morning meal or shake, 20mg an hour before training or mayeb 2 hours, then I take antoher 20mg post workout with my PWO shake, only on training days though. Not a common way to do it but I retain a lot fo water with it so this is how I do it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    take it ever 8 hours 10- 20mgs 4 times a day. is how I take it due to its active life.
    Last edited by Outta Kontrol; 03-04-2007 at 07:03 AM.

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