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  1. #1
    moose932 is offline Junior Member
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    help, not growing

    ok when i started my first cycle i was 175lbs, two cycles later im at 205lbs. usually off cycle i go back down to around 198. the last 3 cycles i am getting back to the 205 and dropping back down to 198. i cant seem to break this wall i am at. my last three cycles have been 600 test 400 deca or tren enanthate along with 45mg of dbol or 50 mg of anadrol . should be more than enough to grow. my diet is good i always get in my 200 to 225 g of protein everyday. sometimes that may be in the form of a triple stacker from burger king but i dont really have a body fat problem but 99 % of the time my diet is good. as far as my workouts i have tried switching it up I have done fewer sets i have added sets i have done my body parts once a week and twice a week. i have tried heavy weight and fewer sets and vice versa. anyone else have this problem or have any suggestions? is it possible that i have just hit my limit?

  2. #2
    Pro_built7 is offline Member
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    cal intake ?

  3. #3
    HardCharger's Avatar
    HardCharger is offline Associate Member
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    Bro with 600mg test, 400mg deca and 45mg dbol you should be growing. Whith out knowing anything else I would say that you really need to increase your caloric intake. Make sure it's clean calories also, not the type you get from BurgerKing!

  4. #4
    king6's Avatar
    king6 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HardCharger
    Bro with 600mg test, 400mg deca and 45mg dbol you should be growing. Whith out knowing anything else I would say that you really need to increase your caloric intake. Make sure it's clean calories also, not the type you get from BurgerKing!
    I would think at those doses he could eat like shit and still grow. But you are right, up the cals. I take in about 300 grams of protien a day with my cycle. and about 3000 cals.

  5. #5
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    Keep at it..
    and maybe do some blood work..
    have them check for any sort of Anemias maybe... (lack of certain vitamins or minerals and stuff)
    I would also check how your breathing is at night,.. if u're snoring at 205lbs n stuff, interfering with a good night sleep. (i know i'm being anal bout htis now since i've been studyin up sleep apnea) haha

    but its good to know how healthy all your systems are..
    u know circulatory,
    U might need work there, if there is something wrong...
    Kinda like whats the point of Supercharging a vehicle if you've got a cracked block or somehting lol

    If all systems are good to go, maybe add some vitamin b-12 to give u even more of an appetite

  6. #6
    moose932 is offline Junior Member
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    ok here is a typical days diet. i workout in the morning so i have 50g protein shake with 16 oz of orange juice. mid morning is a can of tuna and 1 cup of rice or mixed vegatables. lunch is 2 grilled chicken breast from mcdonalds and a baked potato with cheese and bacon. mid afternoon either a protein shake or can of tuna. dinner is usually red meat or chicken along with whatever sides my wife fixes. around 7:00 i will eat something small like some sliced turkey and cheese rolled up then a protein shake before bed. thats a typical day of eating to give you an idea of my calorie intake. as far as blood work my test and deca are prescribed so they check my blood regularly and everything is fine. As far as my workout goes a majority of what i do was given to me by ken lane who in 1986 had the biggest bench press in america, if any of you guys recognize that name. He says that he dont understand it either because he sees the workouts i do...he has always told me it has to be my diet.

  7. #7
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    Sit down and plan our your meals, and keep track of the pro, carbs, fats, and total calorie intake.

    If you do this, and your taking in a total of 3000 cals, and you see your not growing, add another 500 cals to your total daily cal intake, if your still not growing add another 500, until you notice growth.

    This helps, b/c you know how much your taking in, and with how much your growing or not. Instead of just eating food, and estimating everything.

    Also remember to grow like a beast, one must eat like a beast. I recently bumped up my cal intake to 5500 a day, as i wasnt growing much on 4500.

  8. #8
    moose932 is offline Junior Member
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    all right i will eat more. i guess up it 500 calories a day first and go from there

  9. #9
    Snrf's Avatar
    Snrf is offline Banned
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    **** upping it 500 a day man, shoot for 4000 clean calories a day minimum. I started my cycle 4.5 weeks ago, eating 4000+ calories a day I've gone from 191 to 208 in just 4 and a half weeks. Its ALL about the diet, the bare minimum I eat is 3750 or so, and I always try for more than that. You wanna get big you gotta eat big mate. try eating 450-500g of protein a day, 300+ grams of carbs and 100g of fat (around 4000 cals)

  10. #10
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    **** upping it 500 a day man, shoot for 4000 clean calories a day minimum. I started my cycle 4.5 weeks ago, eating 4000+ calories a day I've gone from 191 to 208 in just 4 and a half weeks. Its ALL about the diet, the bare minimum I eat is 3750 or so, and I always try for more than that. You wanna get big you gotta eat big mate. try eating 450-500g of protein a day, 300+ grams of carbs and 100g of fat (around 4000 cals)
    Keep in mind that one bro might be able to grow sufficiently with just 3000 cals, compared to another bro who might need as much as 4000-4500.

    If that bro who can sufficiently grow on 3000 cals, bumps up his cal intake to 4000 or 4500 cals, yes he will grow more, however excessive and unwanted bf will also be added on to his frame.

  11. #11
    SteelTown84's Avatar
    SteelTown84 is offline Junior Member
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    if you have not gained anything with that cyc then maybe post your aas on the picture forum. Might not be legit

  12. #12
    SteelTown84's Avatar
    SteelTown84 is offline Junior Member
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    not to scare you or anything but you should be gaining muscle bro

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