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  1. #1
    Jason865's Avatar
    Jason865 is offline Banned
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    First long cycle

    I have never run a cycle more than 8 weeks, so let me know how this 20 week cycle looks and if I need to change anything

    1-10 Test E 800mg
    11-18 Test E 1400mg
    19 Test E 600mg
    20 Test E 300mg

    1-9 Deca 600mg
    9-18 EQ 600mg

    1-5 Dbol 45mg or Anadrol 75mg

    10-18 Tren A 1cc EOD

  2. #2
    Snrf's Avatar
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    Not sure but doesnt it take longer for deca to really work properly?

  3. #3
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jason865
    I have never run a cycle more than 8 weeks, so let me know how this 20 week cycle looks and if I need to change anything

    1-10 Test E 800mg
    11-18 Test E 1400mg
    19 Test E 600mg
    20 Test E 300mg

    1-9 Deca 600mg
    9-18 EQ 600mg

    1-5 Dbol 45mg or Anadrol 75mg

    10-18 Tren A 1cc EOD
    No reason to go up and down on the test dosage, keep it at a stable level throughout the whole cycle.

    IMO the duration for the deca, and especially EQ isnt long enough to see the full potential of the two compounds. Run the EQ from week 1-20, and deca from week 1-12 too see good gains from the two compounds.

    However provide some stats bro, (height, weight, bf, cycle history, and diet)

  4. #4
    jdm95lude's Avatar
    jdm95lude is offline Associate Member
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    I agree with above but it should also be stated its best to stop EQ 2 weeks before test. IMO do 1-18wks of EQ. I think 18wks is more than enough

  5. #5
    Jefferey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    No reason to go up and down on the test dosage, keep it at a stable level throughout the whole cycle.

    IMO the duration for the deca , and especially EQ isnt long enough to see the full potential of the two compounds. Run the EQ from week 1-20, and deca from week 1-12 too see good gains from the two compounds.

    However provide some stats bro, (height, weight, bf, cycle history, and diet)
    I see a reason to go up on the dose..After 8 weeks I no longer make any gains without upping the dose a little..I admit 400-600 more is to much..I think going up 200 mgs after ea 8 weeks is fine..He also seems to be tapering at the end instead of using PCT..This is also what I do.

  6. #6
    Jason865's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    No reason to go up and down on the test dosage, keep it at a stable level throughout the whole cycle.

    IMO the duration for the deca , and especially EQ isnt long enough to see the full potential of the two compounds. Run the EQ from week 1-20, and deca from week 1-12 too see good gains from the two compounds.

    However provide some stats bro, (height, weight, bf, cycle history, and diet)
    I was thinnkinng of letting the deca and EQ overlap a bit

    1-10 Test E 800mg
    11-18 Test E 1200mg
    19 Test E 600mg
    20 Test E 300mg

    1-10 Deca 600mg
    10-19 EQ 600mg

    1-5 Dbol 45mg or Anadrol 75mg

    10-18 Tren A 1cc EOD
    Last edited by Jason865; 03-07-2007 at 10:10 PM.

  7. #7
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    I would pick deca or EQ and run one of them for 14 weeks at a decent dose. I would go with the deca.

  8. #8
    rodosman's Avatar
    rodosman is offline Associate Member
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    What does your pct look like. I hope you say hcg .

  9. #9
    Jason865's Avatar
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    Last edited by Jason865; 03-13-2007 at 10:11 PM.

  10. #10
    rodosman's Avatar
    rodosman is offline Associate Member
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    Are you serious. You have almost 300 posts and don't know what pct means. Amazing....anyway PCT (Post cycle therapy ) is what you need to do when you come off any aas cycle. My last pct went like this. 500iu hcg 3x/week, for 4 weeks. I also used some nolvedex daily about 10-20 mg/day. Clomid after the hcg for 2 week @ 100mg/day.

    After a cycle you want your natural test fuction to return to normal asap. This is why we do pct.

  11. #11
    flex_w's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jason865
    What is PCT?
    LMAOOOOO im lau***ng so hard my face is getting a workout. dude your planning to hit a massive cycle like that and for a long duration without knowing what a pct is. bro bfore starting this cycle i suggest you fins out what a pct is because on that cycle you will blow up then after ull shrink

  12. #12
    graeme87 is offline Member
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    Surely he is taking the piss?

  13. #13
    Jason865's Avatar
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    Last edited by Jason865; 03-13-2007 at 10:11 PM.

  14. #14
    Cat316 is offline Associate Member
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    how dont you know what pct is if youve done cycles in the past?

  15. #15
    Jason865's Avatar
    Jason865 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat316
    how dont you know what pct is if youve done cycles in the past?
    Your question is off topic but I will tell you. I have done only short cycles so I never worried about any shut down. I have no problems post cycle.

  16. #16
    bpm1's Avatar
    bpm1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    lost in translation
    that seems like alot of gear for someone newer to cycling (like myself) i dont understand why you dont just do a couple of compounds like test,deca , maybee a little winny at the end ya know. i personally feel like you need to take it piece by piece not jump into a gynormous cycle like you are talking about. JMHO

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