03-04-2007, 10:34 PM #1
BANG FOR THE BUCK - Is 50mg worth the extra $$$?
lol like the topic states... I was wondering if there would be a difference between using 150mg of prop eod as opposed to using 200mg/eod. Would the gains be worth the extra couple hundred bucks? Or would it be very minimal. Take in mind this is my second real cycle. itll be prop and winny. My first was test e @ 500mg/week.
Second question is... I wanted to shoot EOD prop as opposed to ED for obviouse reasons lol. Now how would this affect acne? Would I get less acne shooting ED due to it being more stable then shooting EOD? Or would it not matter because EOD is just as good? I HATE BACNE!
Thanks you guys are great!
03-04-2007, 10:36 PM #2
PS. Honestly if I hadn't discovered this forum I'd be so f*cked with aas its not even funny lol. I love this place.
03-04-2007, 10:42 PM #3
ok ok, if you want to minimize acne to least amount pos. then you gotta shoot everyday.. blood levels more stable, less yo-yo =less acne.. if you still get it, well at least you know it could've been worse shootin EOD and as far a couple hundred bucks save it bro.. since this is you 2nd the test at 150mg EOD + winny= PLENTY.. focus on your diet and you be aright
03-04-2007, 10:48 PM #4
150 eod is 525mgs a week, thats good for second cycle, no point in bumping it up when you don't need to because then everytime after you will probably have to go higher also
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