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  1. #1
    tj979 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Test Prop Question

    Hey guys,

    I have 3 bottles of test prop enough exactly for an 8 week cycle, I do my shots eod, and I've been on for just about two weeks and I absolutely love the results I am seeing, and I haven't hit the gym very hard (personal/family issues) This week will start my hard core training and dieting, but I want to stay on for longer than 8 weeks I have read that 8-10 weeks is good enough but longer is bad, is this true? I want to do a 12 week cycle any thoughts or comments?

  2. #2
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Den sitta på huk ställ
    With prop...typically shorter cycles or to kick off a cycle of long-estered gear...otherwise if you're going to go out longer than 8 weeks, it's more sensible to go with test E/C, because all them injections can get old after about 8 weeks or so.

    In your case, I would say best bet would be to stick with what you got and be happy with the results you've made this cycle.

    There will be plenty of room for improvements in future cycles, if that's what you intend to do. Is it bad to run test prop for 12 weeks? No. Can you do it safely? Yes. Do most do that? No. Like I said, anything longer than 8 weeks and most are going to run the longer-acting gear.

    I guess the choice is really yours.

    Good luck,

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