Hi everyone. I am really new to this world. I was wondering what would be best for me to do. I am 26 and slightly over weight. Even when I work out and eat perfectly, I can't seem to get rid of that last bit of fat. That's how it's been my whole life.
The main thing I want to accomplish is to have a flat stomach with no extra pouch. I need to loose about 25 lbs just to get a flat stomach. But I love building muscle and fat loss seem to take a back seat to that.
Which way should I go? Use something like clen or go a different route and use something like Methenolone Enanthate (Primoject)? Ideally I want what everyone wants. To loose fat and gain muscle. BUT fat loss is the most important thing. And here's the kicker. I can probably only spend about $150 a month at this point on something new. I need the most bang for my buck.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
Thanks guys.