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i really don't care how much crap i get for this but HCG is not a PCT drug..... and ill tell you why..... the drug in HCG mimics the naturally occuring hormone known as " lutinizing hormone" ( i think thats how you spell it) but it is also known as LH... ur body uses negative feedback loops to control the amount of pretty much any hormone in ur body.... when ur body has low testosterone it produces LH which then tells the lidigous cells in your testicles to start producing testosterone.... so if your introducing synthetic LH into a negative feedback loop when your trying to recover and get your own endogenous LH production back to normal it won't happen.... when using HCG in PCT your testicles will produce testosterone only until the injection wears off.... then you body is back to square one.... trying to produce it's own LH to get your own endogenous test count up....just the way i see it... i would only use HCG during cycle (preferrably the latter half) and stop 10 days before you start your PCT....