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    John88Test's Avatar
    John88Test is offline Member
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    May 2004

    Smile My Standard Cycle - PCT help please

    Hey Guys...I was hoping you could take a look at my cycle and let me know what you think. I started 1 week ago.

    Past AAS History: 3 Cycles (2 Test Ent & Dbol and 1 Test Ent & Anadrol )

    I am 6foot 209lbs. Not sure body fat %

    I was thinking of using EQ this time around but I'm kind of thinking if it aint broke dont fix it. I have made great gains on the old cycles but was never able to keep alot of it. I need an agressive PCT strategy.

    16 Weeks.

    1-5 Dbol 40mg ED
    1-16 Test Ent 600mg Ew (Split Monday Night 300mg / Thursday Night 300mg)
    1-16 Letro 1.25mg EOD
    1-16 Finasteride 2mg ED

    PCT Clomid & HCG

    I have never used HCG before.

    Thanks for your help guys.
    Last edited by John88Test; 03-06-2007 at 09:21 PM.

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