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Thread: Up the dosage on Arimidex to .75mg/day while on Dbol??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Bean town

    Up the dosage on Arimidex to .75mg/day while on Dbol??

    i am front loading my test/EQ cycle with dbol 30-40mg per day for the 1st four weeks. i was planning on taking arimidex .25mg every day. someone said up the dosage to .75 every day while on the dbol. Is this good advice??? Also when should i start arimidex and when should I end it???? before the first shot???? and until end of clomid??? also should I have nolvadex on hand still ????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    u should start your arimidex at the beginning of your cycle and run thru clomid..and .25mg/day should suffice ...there is no need for nolva IMO since u have arimidex

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    finaplix legend
    Have you ever taken a-dex before? No, then start it at .50 eod or a half a tab(same) run it through until the end of the clomid... and YES always keep Nolva on hand in case the "onset of gyno"...

  4. #4
    .25 ed should be fine unless your extremly sensitive. Always have nolvadex on hand.....that's a MUST.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Start at your planned amount and if you start seeing sides increase it. By the way you are not frontloading your cycle but kickstarting it. There is a difference though most people don't seem to pay attention.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Originally posted by basskiller
    Have you ever taken a-dex before? No, then start it at .50 eod or a half a tab(same) run it through until the end of the clomid... and YES always keep Nolva on hand in case the "onset of gyno"...
    I totally agree with basskiller on this one. Always have nolva on hand just in case. You may not even need it, but its cheap so why not!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    It would not hurt to have nolva, however arimidex stops the production of estrogen where nolvadex only stops the estrogen from binding to the receptors

  8. #8
    I take .5mg of armidex ed I gained 25 pounds form my cycle with hardly any water retention.

  9. #9
    G-S Guest
    Originally posted by ultra150
    I take .5mg of armidex ed I gained 25 pounds form my cycle with hardly any water retention.
    Well, you are FEW and VERY FAR between, my friend. .25 is all that is needed, especially when taking DBOL. Why combat all that DBOL has to offer just to keep some water weight down? If that's the case, why even take the DBOL to begin with?

    .25 daily. Period.

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