ive self diagnosed my self to have gyno...and was diagnosed today by a urologist. the lumps are surely there. there are about 3 tiny, macaroni shaped lumps around the two nipples...about the length of macaroni, but thinner!!!
those are not tender, but there is pain and tenderness around the nipples elsewhere. so, actual gyno is there, and it is obviously still in progression.
i used steroids for a total of about a year. test, tren, dbol, deca. i stopped 3years ago approximately. im 26.5 now.************, and was on effexor anti-depressant for about 2.5 years...stopped that about 6 months ago.
now, after being inspired by amazing natural bbuilders, im getting back into iron full time, getting in serious shape, naturally.
i carry alot of muscle mass, but i am trying to lose fat right now. the fat is melting away, but i dont c the tender boobs going away.
i convinced the doc. to perscribe me femara...60 day supply of 2.5mg tabs for each day, and he will be able to renew my perscription. its very expensive here... it will cost me about 250 US dollars a month.
so, for my questions:
-should i try the femara remedy?
-whats the chances of the gynos disappearing?
-how much should i take and for how long?
plz note that im a natural bodybuilder now, and off of any drugs/chemicals that may irritate the gyno further...(like weed, alcohol...ect).