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Thread: How does everyone cope with coming off cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    How does everyone cope with coming off cycle?

    Coming off sucks! One week you feel like you cab pick a house up, the next you can barely pick your arm up. I have to admit though it is nice have the "boys" back to normal.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    I personally never lost much strength..maybe a little, however its the mind games that gets feel as if there is no way your gonna gain weight off cycle, only lose it..i lose motivation, find myselfs missing some days here and there..and when i am there, not busting ass as hard..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Same with D3.You feel like your not gaining anything when your off of it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    yah no doubt, i have had a hard time these last few cycles. depression big time, lack of interest, lethargy, weakness, sickness, blows, i find that i cant wait for my next cycle, its fucked up

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    OZ via NZ
    The sickness was the worst for me actually ive got the flu at the moment, ive had it 3 times lasting 3-7 days in the last 6 weeks. Depression was there on and off but ive had that for a while so i could handle that but the funny thing was pressing 130kg one week(3 weeks after my last sust shot)then the next week bearly being abl to list 110kg, now that sucks ........HITMAN

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    I got some serious depression. I feel like I ain't shit. Totally lacking in motivation. My wife likes it thought cause my sex drive is down and she can get some rest till next time

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    You guys are reminding me of all the reasons why I don't really cycle off at all anymore. I may bridge, or go light for a while, but never cold-turkey.
    Disclaimer: I'm an old fart, have 5 kids and don't plan to have more, and have accepted the fact that this will cause me to be on HRT the rest of my days. Young guys should go off and stay off for considerable periods of time. It all comes back quick when you are young.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    Originally posted by ironmaster
    You guys are reminding me of all the reasons why I don't really cycle off at all anymore. I may bridge, or go light for a while, but never cold-turkey.
    Thats idea keeps sounding better and better to me I aready have all my kids too. Naw I'd miss my boys too much to loose them for that long.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    North Atlantic
    Depression. No energy. No appetite. No sex drive. Weak-knee personality. That was me after my first cycle. I wanted my second sysle so bad I didn't wait as long as I should have to start the next one. I'm dreading the hell out of the days i'm coming off of this one!

    Has anyone found that coming off of some steroids is better than others? I mean if were to stick to the primo/win/equip stuff i'm thinking the coming off part might be easier than the equip/sust/dol i'm doing now. True or False?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Comming off just plain sucks. I had alot of trouble stayng motivated at the gym. I was looking for excuses to cut my workout short and go home and sulk.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    as soon as i get off i generally

    beat my girlfriend, kick my dog, and then lock myself in the house until i go back on. helps to alleviate the first week of depression

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Re: as soon as i get off i generally

    Originally posted by partyboynyc
    beat my girlfriend, kick my dog, and then lock myself in the house until i go back on. helps to alleviate the first week of depression

    HA !

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Interesting thread.
    I'm curious to see everyones response to this one.

    PS. Partyboy,
    That might work for you but MY Girlfriend out lifts most of the men in my gym, my dog would naw the very freaking leg off that kicked him and the roomate has keys to the house so where does that leave me???

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    tobey i'm here for you my friend!!!!!

    you can beat up MY gf (she's a skinny bitch so don't be scared,haha), my dog pisses on the rug so you can pound on him if need be, and since you can cook,haha, you can stay w/ me and hide out!!hahaha see i'm here for you my friend!!!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2002
    you know what guys!! i feel great because i knew what to ewxpect comming into the cycle and i knew what to expect commin off or at least i prepared for the worst in any case. since comming off i have lost at least 15 lbs but with that loss i have turned theat into cuts and redifining my shape, getting a better look at where i need to even out my look and what areas i need to go deeply into more next time. also i am sure glad the boys are back to golf ball size with loads big enough to paint the wall

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    It's GREAT having the boys back to normal.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    i've learned to expect the mind games and they dont fuck w/ me as bad if i anticipate them. there are many days when i have to force myself in the gym and have a shitty workout but its worth it when its over. i've learned to expect weight and strength loss and concentrate on getting my bf% back down and seeing how much lean mass i can net out of each cycle. i agree though, comming off f'n blows.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Okay, I've never took AS, so here's a question. Do your boys shrink on your cycles, then return to normal off them?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    me too,
    but for some reason it dosent seem as bad for me as what some of you are posting. i get a little down, theres no doubt about that, but i try and train through it.
    about 3-4 weeks post cycle, i tend to drop the reps down and sets will go down by one or two as well. its almost like a maintenence phase for me. im definitely not lifting as hard as when i was on, but at least im still going to the gym, and lifting consistently.
    i also try to eat the same as when i was on, for as long as i can stand it. but eventually, i will start to drop the cals off, slowly.
    these two things coupled together, help me deal with the stress and depression of coming off. and so far its working very well.
    its definitely a mind game, but one we can win if its played right.

    peace bb79

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Yes, Jimmy, your testicles shrink while on AS (unless you're a female).

    If a guy hasn't abused his body by misusing AS, they will grow back.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    i finished my first cycle consisting of dbol/test/winny, and i been off of it for about 6 weeks and im still feeling shitty. First couple of weeks was very depressing, i felt small, weak and felt like nothing. right now i dont feel that small, i never lost a bit of my strength, i actually feel like i got stronger since i bench more now(it's wierd). but one thing i notice is that i skip gym here and there and i dont work out as hard as i use to while i was on AS. and i can't wait for the next cycle....i really can't wait!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2002
    coming off a cycle really bits the ween!!! I'm half way through clomid thery and I'll tell ya what THIS SUCKS !!!! Motivation is shot, joints still hurt like hell, no sex drive (I don't even want to kiss my chick before we go to bed at night), and i constantly feel like a wet rag. Do steroids fuck with your eyes? LOL because two weeks ago I would look in the mirror and say dam you got big, but now i look at myself and I think I'm skinny. Being depressed is an understatement....
    Last edited by Havesome77; 08-04-2002 at 01:59 PM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    philadelphia, PA
    i agree with you guys on most complaints u have..i tend to get depressed,skip workouts, be a little lazy,but thats it..i plan for the off peroid..u have to make yourself surivive through it because it will pay off if u stick with the workouts. As soon as i come off i just do these simple steps that can make a big difference and or make your weight and strenth stay with u as much as it can..When I come off, i do two body parts a day with the following day off..also i decrease the sets to 9 sets per bodypart wtih 3 diff exercises per part instead of 12-16 sets..Remember do not push for to many extra reps because overtraining comes into play very quickly..Keep the weight at 8-12 reps.Also i eat the same as if i was on my cycle..I also try to keep stress down to a minimum since cortisol is a major factor. stay awau from drugs and alcohol and get 8 hours a night sleep..its basically the same as being on but just take the training part eat eat suplemant with plenty of glutamine, aminos,and vitamins..its not a major difference but its a gauranteed helper in most cases..Ive been off for 9weeks and i have only lost 6lbs from a 8 week 23lb gain on sus&eq with clomid thery amd 2 weeks clen....My strenght isnt much off either..just my 2 cents safe

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    everyone is talkin about losing weight .Even if you take clomid and eat ,train and everything is ok ?????
    if a person would do one cycle only would they eventually lose their gains with time ?????

    I understand you will lose a bit due to water retention but what about your lbm lbs??

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    If you do your Clomid properly, and continue to train, you should keep most of your gains permanantly..

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    all you guys should listen to your self then check out the thread NEW SCHOOL CYCLING SHORTER AND LARGER

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