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  1. #1
    ollieolson99's Avatar
    ollieolson99 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Question HGH after Test E?

    Im just finishing up on some test e and tren . Got about three weeks left to be exact...I was wanting to get on some HGH to help repair my hamstring. I pulled it last fall before football and now that I'm off season was hoping to run it through the whole summer and through next season. How long should i wait after being off of test e @ 600 mg's/week for ten weeks till i can run hgh. And what works best for you guys as far as recovery on hgh...2.8iu's ed or 4iu's ed etc. I'm 6'3" 255lbs well trained athlete and have cycle history.
    Also noticed my hamstring feeling a hell of alot better since i've been running test...would that help contribute to repair?

  2. #2
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    start ASAP and I'd start out at 4iu a day and work up to 5 or 6 if you don't get any sides. No need to wait.

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