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Thread: sustanon cycle

  1. #1

    sustanon cycle

    I'm right now taking sustanon 250 and have a question concerning my last two amps. I have been seeing great results and have been injecting roughly once a week. I have two amps left but i am going on holidays for about ten days in mid Aug. Should I inject once now and once next week and train hard for a week and a half. Then take a ten day break. Or should inject once next week, take ten days off and then continue training after? It may not matter but i'd like to hear some opinions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    you got time to do both before you leave also remember that sus lasts 3 weeks in system which means its a self tapering drug that you continue to grow for up to 3 weeks after last injection

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Dude, where are you going on vacation? Most likely if it's a decent hotel, then it should have a gym. Or at least a gym near by. You should be able to workout there. Inject the night before you leave, and then when you come back, that's one option.

    If you have time to finish the cycle a little early, squeeze it in, then do that. But don't overdo it either.

  4. #4
    oh ya, i'm going houseboating so working out is a little tough!

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