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Thread: Sustanon cycle,250mg/week for 10 weeks,with clomid

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Smile Sustanon cycle,250mg/week for 10 weeks,with clomid

    Hi there, I'm a new member and have a question.I'm 5' 11',weigh 175lbs, with 15% body fat,been working out for 5 years ,off and on.I'm trying to gain 10-15lbs, and lose 6-7 percent body fat, those are my goals.I have 10 vials of Sustanon 250, it's all I had access too.I plan on taking one a week, for 10 weeks.I know many out there will say to "bump" that up, but I just want to take a mild cycle.I will use clomid, 3 weeks after my last shot.I also plan on following a strict diet, making sure I get enough calories.My question is,after maintaining a solid diet,how much weight will I maintain after I finsih my cycle?,and also,by taking Sustanon, will my bodyfat increase or decrease?
    Thanks for your time and effort

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Bro you will be very disappointed with your results by only using 1 amp a week.... If you had say Cyp or Enthanate you would be much better off, but with Sustanon you will need to either take 2 amps a week like on monday and thursday to keep test levels stable.... or stack it with another anabolic to receive the results you are looking for...

    Decreasing BF % is all about diet and cardio.... not so much the roid you use...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Not enough like buff said plus trying to gain 10-15lbs and losing 6-7% BF would be one hell of a cycle. Concentrate on losing BF or gaining mass otherwise you will probably be disappointed in both.

  4. #4
    I have done a similiar cycle, but jack it down to 7-8 weeks and front load it 500 in week 1-2. Results were a lot better but not awesome at least not until you add maybe some dbol or decca, plus I had water retention like a bitch. But bump it because if you only hit 1 a week the gains will start around week 3, but ya bump it and may start to see gains at the end of week 1, JMPExperience


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Thanks for the quick reply's, what if I bumped it up too, 500mg/week, for 8 weeks, 2 shots /week,using the clomid,could you give me a ball park figure on how much quality muscle will I gain, and can expect to keep after my cycle. I forgot to tell you ,this is my first cycle,again Thanks

    C Ya Mulligan 71

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    First cycle is usually the best cycle bro.... I would do it right... go for 10 weeks 500mg a week on the sustanon if that's what you want to use.... stack it with another steroid that will be more of just a anabolic drug like Deca or EQ and you should have what you are looking for....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Boise, Idaho
    I agree with buff87, but if you only have access to those 10 amps, I would run a shot every 5 days instead of 7. You'll end up around 8 weeks, but w/ better results.

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