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Thread: i've been reading AR forum for about three weeks now can u please help me out...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    i've been reading AR forum for about three weeks now can u please help me out...

    i'm 21 years old i weight about 125 lbs and have been working out on and off for about a year.. and i freaking hate being this skinny.... i was thinking about doing AS, i'v researched it for a while now..

    this is what my co-worker suggested i should start out with
    deca 200ml - 1cc for 10 weeks
    mix with test 200 - 1cc for 10 weeks

    so it'll be 2cc both deca and test each week for 10 weeks

    is this right for beginners

    P.S. i'm only goin to do only one cycle that is all no more than on..

    thanks for ur help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Start planning your second cycle now because no one does just one. That is a working cycle but I think you would make better gains by increasing to 400 mgs of test and 400 mg of deca. I don't know how tall you are but I doubt seriously you have put a great effort into lifting and nutrition if you only weigh 125 lbs. I would start with doing heavy sets/low rep workout using core exercises and increase my caloric intake before I started gear if I was you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    if u take about a month before u start your cycle and get a good weight gainer (1500 calories and what not) and shove a bunch of food down your throat i bet u put on 10 lbs and keep it. u should seriously consider this because if u can put on meat like that it would be better to put off your "only cycle"
    try it, got nothing to lose

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jersey
    hey bro I think you'll be alot happier if you increased the dosages a bit, and maybe run some Dbol in your cycle. something like this
    Dbol 25-40mg ED wk 1-4 (if you get the Dbol)
    Test 400mg wk wk 1-10
    Deca 400mg wk wk 1-10
    I was close to your weight when I started, and I made some good gains. bro, it's all in your diet gear is not a miracle drug you need to eat big to grow big.. how tall are you?? as for your quote here:

    " P.S. i'm only goin to do only one cycle that is all no more than on..
    thanks for ur help"

    like rickson said start planning your next cycle. i thought i would do just 1, but before i even finished my first cycle i
    was planning my next. It's like this you see your friend with a bag of chips, or cookies something like that and you ask him for 1. do you take just 1?? no, you take a couple, or a handful right.. you get the taste of it, and you like it so you want more right. (i hope that wasn't too idiotic) i'm sorry it's late, i can't sleep, i'm watching Jay and Silent Bob strikes back, and to top it off my fiance told me she's pregnant today..
    take your time don't just jump in to gear. eat more,(it takes alot of dedication to be able to get your diet in check) train harder, and you should be satisfied with gains. damn, it took me awhile to be able to eat 3500-4000 cals a day sometimes more, but if it were easy everyone would be doing it right.

    good luck bro which ever way you decide to go!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by Rickson
    Start planning your second cycle now because no one does just one. That is a working cycle but I think you would make better gains by increasing to 400 mgs of test and 400 mg of deca. I don't know how tall you are but I doubt seriously you have put a great effort into lifting and nutrition if you only weigh 125 lbs. I would start with doing heavy sets/low rep workout using core exercises and increase my caloric intake before I started gear if I was you.

    Couldn't have said it better than that.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Re: i've been reading AR forum for about three weeks now can u please help me out...

    Originally posted by TOOL
    i'm 21 years old i weight about 125 lbs and have been working out on and off for about a year..

    On and off for about a year?!?!?! You don't sound dedicated enough to do AS at this point to me...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Gear shouldn't really be an option right now and you are right you will probably only do one cycle if you don't change your diet and training as they must be way off and you wont' gain much on the AS. Do yourself a favor and post your diet and training regimen and let us critique that before you start poking needles in yourself for something you can achieve without them.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    the thing is i was a vegetarian all my life it was a religion thing, but for year past year i've been eating meat, and yes i gaind about 15 pounds,

    4 times a week
    day 1 all chest
    day 2 all arms
    day 3 all legs
    1 hour a day

    i'm getting stronger but not gaining weight, my body is cut pretty good,
    but i want to gain about 30 more pounds

    i eat 4 times a day, i aslo drink protein shakes (iso pure)

    thanks for all the help, i need it

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    How tall are you? I started off (before I starting lifting seriously) at about 115-120lbs at 5'6" so I know how it feels to be skinny but seriously put on some more mass before juicing. You need to know what sort of routine and diet works for you and you obviously don't know that (not meant to flame you but otherwise you would have gained more, unless you are really really short).

    I tried training how you just described and got nothing out of it. Here's my advice. Make your diet out of these foods: lean meat, milk, low fat cheese, peanut butter, oatmeal, pasta, brown rice, brown bread, fish, granola, power bars, apples, bannnannas, preztels (good snack that's reasonably healthy), carrots, dark green lettuce, and potatoes.

    Eat every 2 hours at least, try not to gorge though (I mean at the end of each snack you don't need to be stuffed). Make sure you take in at least 30g of whey protein immediately after your workout and eat a big meal high in carbs and protein about 30min-60min after your workout. Drink a gallon of water a day at least. Try training bodyparts twice a week.

    Try this routine:
    Day 1: Upper Body
    Day 2: Lower Body
    Day 3: REST
    Day 4: Repeat

    Upper body day:
    Flat Dumbell Bench 3 sets
    Wide Grip Pullups 3 sets (these are hard, even if you get 1 just keep trying and do partial reps)
    Cable Rows 3 sets
    Military Press 3 sets
    Dips 3 sets

    Lower Body Day:
    Squats 4 sets
    Hack Squats or Lunges 3 sets
    Leg Ext 3 sets
    Leg Curl 3 sets
    Calf Raises 3 sets

    Throw in abs and lower back work at least once a week too and cardio at least 2 times per week for 30min at a low intensity.

    Hope this helps, it helped me when I was starting out. If anything try some creatine even before juicing, seriously I would hold off and do a LOT more research.

    Sleep at least 8 hours per night, 9.5 hours is better imo. Also cut way back on alcohol or any rec drugs, especially alcohol though.

    EDIT: Also just wanted to mention you should probably research AAS for at least 6 months, I don't see how you could learn all you need to in any less time.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Boise, Idaho
    I guess your first cycle sounds pretty good for your weight. I took the liberty of planning your next cycle.

    Second Cycle:
    week 1-5 dbol 35mg/ed
    week 1-10 test eth 400mg
    week 1-10 eq 400mg
    week 7-13 fina 75/ed
    post cycle clomid

    Have fun

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    thanks, all of u for helping, i will take AS in the future but first imm goin to try gaining weight by eating every two hours and training hard for the next three months and see what gains i get....

    thanks again

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    good idea my friend
    u can waste ur AS
    by not training and eating right

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    East Coast
    i really have no say in this but for the rest of the guys asking, just answer the question........HOW TALL ARE YOU? it will only help you out.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    TOOL is the best band ever...been listening to them since 1992.

    Oh and about your cycle, take in all the information provided and do what is in your budget.

    Best of LUCK

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    BTW i'm 5'8

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