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  1. #1
    Taylor21's Avatar
    Taylor21 is offline New Member
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    It's not my first time

    Ok I have takin roids before, but i am needing some help with some info.

    I am getting 2 bottles of test prop, a bottle of sustanon 250, and a bottle of winstrol .

    What would be a good way to use those to get bigger. I havent been on anything probably since Nov. 2006. I recently got out of football and now I'm just now starting to work out again.

    Would it be good to stack the test prop and sustanon 250. Then after thats done stack the other cycle?

    Or should I just take 1 bottle at a time?

    Im looking to get my body pretty solid. Just pretty much lean and tone. I want definition to show really well.

    So if anyone has any advise I would greatly appriciate it.


  2. #2
    jdm95lude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taylor21
    Ok I have takin roids before, but i am needing some help with some info.

    I am getting 2 bottles of test prop, a bottle of sustanon 250, and a bottle of winstrol .

    What would be a good way to use those to get bigger. I havent been on anything probably since Nov. 2006. I recently got out of football and now I'm just now starting to work out again.

    Would it be good to stack the test prop and sustanon 250. Then after thats done stack the other cycle?

    Or should I just take 1 bottle at a time?

    Im looking to get my body pretty solid. Just pretty much lean and tone. I want definition to show really well.

    So if anyone has any advise I would greatly appriciate it.

    Thats really vague on what you want to gain. Have you done your research?

    Whats your stats what did you gain off your first cycle.. what was your first cycle... IMO I dont ever buy anything before I know my hole cycle including PCT.

  3. #3
    Taylor21's Avatar
    Taylor21 is offline New Member
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    Yea i have done research. My last cycle that I was on was test 250. And that was in Nov. 2006. I weighed 180 ang gained 20 pounds in a month. My bench went up from 265 to 315. Speed increased from a 4.51 40 to a 4.32 40. My incline went up from 225 to 265. Im mainly wanting my upper body to develope better. Mostly my chest, abs and biceps.

    Im just wondering what would be good for me to start on. I dont have Test 250. I just have the 2 bottles of Test Prop and the bottle of Sustanon 250 and the Wintrol

  4. #4
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    What are your compounds dosed at and how many mls?
    Last edited by Johny-too-small; 03-08-2007 at 01:40 PM.

  5. #5
    Taylor21's Avatar
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    Winny - 50 mg/ml
    Test Prop - 100mg/ml

    I have done research but couldnt find what I was looking for. I guess I wasn't looking that hard. But I figured since this is a forum to help people out someone could help me. I have done research.. A LOT. I just couldn't find what I wanted.

    So if anyone can let me help me it would help out a lot. I'm just looking to do roids to get the best results. I feel like when I took them last time I didnt get the best results. My strength and stuff just went up and I wasn't showing definition as much as I wanted to.

  6. #6
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    If you want to run a cycle with your compounds, you could do this:

    Week 1-5: Sustanon @ 500 mg/ew (some users inject eod)
    Week 6-8: Test Prop @ 75 mg/ed (yeah, you need to jab yourself everyday)
    Week 3-8: Winny @ 50-100 mg/ed. (yeah you can drink it too)

  7. #7
    Taylor21's Avatar
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    Hey thanks for the info. Ill let ya know how it works out. Thanks again

  8. #8
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Do you have enough winny to run 5 weeks at 50 mgs/ed?

  9. #9
    Taylor21's Avatar
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    I only have 1 bottle of winny. Its a 10 week cycle 50mg.

    So let me try to get this right.

    I would start of with the sustanon first.
    Then winny and sustanon
    Then after the sustanon is done i would do winny and test?

    I have never stacked before either.
    When I took Test 250. I shot 1cc twice a week. Like 1 on tuesday and then 1 on thursday.

    When you say 500mg for the sustanon, How many cc's would that be.
    And with the Test Prop its 100mg. You said take 75mg/ed. Im just confused with these numbers. I just got out of math class and had a mid term. Sorry im not thinkin right now.

  10. #10
    pavlenko's Avatar
    pavlenko is offline Banned
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    dude this is so simple if you dont know how to figure out the above cycle, dont even juice you will **** it up 1 way or another

  11. #11
    Taylor21's Avatar
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    Nevermind i figured it out. No worries. I just had to think a little bit cause i have numbers running through my head all day. But thanks for the info guys.

  12. #12
    Taylor21's Avatar
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    This is what im going to do

    Sustanon @ 500mg once a week for about 2 weeks.
    Then run my Test Prop with the Sustanon on the 3rd week and so on. 500mg plus 75mg. twice a week.

    Then when Im done with the Sustanon, I'm gonna run the Winny and Test. Winny @ 50mg and Test @ 75mg. Ill run that twice a week also.

    Does that sound about right?

  13. #13
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taylor21
    This is what im going to do

    Sustanon @ 500mg once a week for about 2 weeks.
    Then run my Test Prop with the Sustanon on the 3rd week and so on. 500mg plus 75mg. twice a week.

    Then when Im done with the Sustanon, I'm gonna run the Winny and Test. Winny @ 50mg and Test @ 75mg. Ill run that twice a week also.

    Does that sound about right?
    No. Not very well thought out, bro...
    You have to inject prop at a minimum of every other day, sustanon at least twice a week (and I think that is too long between jabs), and winny every day, if not 2x a day!

    Winstrol needs to be ran for 5 weeks min. for good results at 50-100 mgs everyday. I dont think you have enough to do this.

    You need to learn about these compounds before injecting them into your body. I am not confident that you know what you're doing, yet.

  14. #14
    Taylor21's Avatar
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    Yea i dont know how to stack so I dont know what Im doing. But I do know how to take roids. I have done them before. Im just needing info on how to stack and how many days and so on.

    Ill be taking:

    Test Prop - 100mg
    Sustanon - 250mg
    Winny - 50mg

    I'm just needing info on how to stack all of them and how many ccs a week or day or everyday.

  15. #15
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Bro, you're not the brightest light in the hallway are you?
    I already laid it all out for you. Stay away from drugs, they will hurt a person like you. You might have a case of retardation? Im not trying to flame you, just cant understand how the previous posts went over your head.

    Good luck, Im out.

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