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Thread: newbie question please help!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    newbie question please help!!!!!!!!!

    new guy here
    need some help from you ppl

    i am currently in the 2nd week of a deca cycle
    1st week 200mg
    2nd week 300 mg
    3,4 5 weeks 400 mg
    6week 200
    7 week 100
    8 week 100
    the question is can i add some test enanthate to this now
    and how much should i add
    i was taking dbol 4 tabs a day but stopped i cant deal with the headaches associated with the dbol
    i know i should see the deca kicking in this coming week
    or should i just ride out the deca cycle and then go on a test only cycle
    btw i am 29 180 training for 9 yrz about 17-19%bf
    also taking t-3 to keep off the fat
    any help would be appreciated

  2. #2
    First off, I wouldn't taper such as you are doing. Keep the levels constant throughout and up it to 10 weeks if you can. What is the cocentration of your deca ??

    Since it's week 2 (end of or beginning of ??) you're still ok to start some T-200. 400 mg's a week should be enough.

    Hopefully you have your clomid for post cycle ready.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    welcome bro
    agree with keymastur do not taper deca pick a dose and stick with it say at 400mg per week-- tapering is old school that has been proven a waste of time. add the test also at 400mg per week. i would never run deca without test or dbol because of dreaded deca dick. watch for progestrone related gyno. have nolvadex ready if nipples start hurting--if nolvs dont help drop deca and also do clomid post cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I have to more or less agree with the two guys, but I'd add. Since your using T3 ADD THE TESTO!, as T3 will destroy muscle pretty quickly without it. At your BF % had you asked this question before the cycle I'd have suggested losing some more BF with a proper diet, cardio and cutting cycle to see some real muscular gains.
    Take care.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    Originally posted by Bouncer AKA bouncer
    I have to more or less agree with the two guys, but I'd add. Since your using T3 ADD THE TESTO!, as T3 will destroy muscle pretty quickly without it.

    i was going to suggest the same thing when i read the initial post, but bouncer and the other brothers have taken care of you quite well already.

    good luck bro.

    peace bb79

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002


    thanks for all your help guys. any one got any thoughts on adding in some primobolan as well as the test and deca

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