Originally Posted by
1) All cycles should inlcude Test.
2)Masteron is good for cutting and hardening if you are already lean.
3)Masteron is not good alone, use it with test.
You are one of many brothers out there that ask "Should I run this steriod x alone with out test". All the responders who have run cycles tell you and the others the same thing use some TEST.
For some reason all of the newbies don't want to believe this answer.
We have done cycles before and are giving the best advice we can.
Don't believe us if you don't want to but go read the steriod profiles.
Besides test always puts me in a good mood. If I could choose only one anabolic steriod to use it would be TEST.
It is the primary male hormone, all AAS will shut down test production over time. This means no primary male hormone - this is bad. It is also why test should be included in every cycle.