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Thread: Which would you choose...

  1. #1

    Smile Which would you choose...

    Just to help stimulate the brain a little....

    Given that before and after the cycle, dieting is good, workouts are tough, and you are not a first-time user.....

    Out of all the fine steroids to choose from, which one would be the overall winner (as in your first choice) to be used as a stand-alone cycle and for how long......what would be your next choice?
    Keep in mind that cutting fat is nice but not a necessity, nor is getting huge overnight. Slow builds may be your preference. But most importantly, keeping the gains are highly favored.

    Can't wait to see your thoughts.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Dirty South
    Test, because I wouldn't run anything else without it!

    Keeping your gains is determined more by PCT than the actual compound your taking.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    test because its the most important hormone your body makes that will help get and keep your gains.

  4. #4
    And which test and for how long? Now that it is not going to be stacked, how long would you manage to stay on for?

  5. #5
    How about something like masteron (drostanolone propionate)....helps to reduce estrogen and is very androgenic. Lean, hard muscle is always good.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    ok here is a little reading for you to do
    generally first cycles should be limited in compounds and have duration times of 8 to 12 weeks with proper pct.
    the difference in comes down to there esters and on set / active usable hormone circulating in your blood.
    these factors will play a role in how many times a week you will need to stick your self with a pin.

  7. #7

  8. #8
    So maybe someone could fill me in on the masteron......good for standalone or am i WAY off base?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    about pct start times

    Below you'll find starting times for your PCT based on the active life of each compound. The active life is the duration of time it takes for the exogenous hormone to be absorbed, utilized, and expelled; no longer being bioavailable. Keep in mind that active life is an approximation which is dependant on dose, ester, as well as the individuals metabolization of the compound ; but for the moderate user, these are as close to precise as you'll find.

    Anadrol/Anapolan: 24 hours after last administration
    Deca: 21 days after last injection
    Dianabol: 24 hours after last administration
    Equipoise: 21 days after last injection
    Fina: 3 days after last injection
    Primobolan depot: 14 days after last injection
    Sustanon: 18 days after last injection
    Testosterone Cypionate: 18 days after last injection
    Testosterone Enanthate: 14 days after last injection
    Testosterone Propionate: 3 days after last injection
    Testosterone Suspension: 24 hours after last administration
    Winstrol: 24 hours after last administration

    Pheedno's PCT

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Pman427
    So maybe someone could fill me in on the masteron......good for standalone or am i WAY off base?
    i have no experience with masterone
    but here you go.

  11. #11
    Yeah, read that article and got me to thinking about the possibility of getting some. However, as you have already read a bit of my inexperience and I know well enough not to jump into something as serious as steroids without being educated and cautious about it. I did take fina for a little while, every-other-day injections but I didn't stack it with anything nor did I keep the cycle going for longer than 10 weeks.
    I got some nice solid gains and I liked the fact that the gains didn't really happen over night.

  12. #12
    aight got some more serious long reads ahead of me.....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    here is a short read on cycle basics

  14. #14
    love tren the best gains ever. You can include this in any cycle and see great results.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Dirty South
    Quote Originally Posted by Cutler fan
    love tren the best gains ever. You can include this in any cycle and see great results.
    Yeah, tren results are amazinb, but don't recommend that stuff to a newb. That is not a compound to start cycling with.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Pman427
    So maybe someone could fill me in on the masteron......good for standalone or am i WAY off base?
    1) All cycles should inlcude Test.
    2)Masteron is good for cutting and hardening if you are already lean.
    3)Masteron is not good alone, use it with test.

    You are one of many brothers out there that ask "Should I run this steriod x alone with out test". All the responders who have run cycles tell you and the others the same thing use some TEST.
    For some reason all of the newbies don't want to believe this answer.
    We have done cycles before and are giving the best advice we can.
    Don't believe us if you don't want to but go read the steriod profiles.
    Besides test always puts me in a good mood. If I could choose only one anabolic steriod to use it would be TEST.
    It is the primary male hormone, all AAS will shut down test production over time. This means no primary male hormone - this is bad. It is also why test should be included in every cycle.


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Dirty South
    Quote Originally Posted by jagdpanther
    1) All cycles should inlcude Test.
    2)Masteron is good for cutting and hardening if you are already lean.
    3)Masteron is not good alone, use it with test.

    You are one of many brothers out there that ask "Should I run this steriod x alone with out test". All the responders who have run cycles tell you and the others the same thing use some TEST.
    For some reason all of the newbies don't want to believe this answer.
    We have done cycles before and are giving the best advice we can.
    Don't believe us if you don't want to but go read the steriod profiles.
    Besides test always puts me in a good mood. If I could choose only one anabolic steriod to use it would be TEST.
    It is the primary male hormone, all AAS will shut down test production over time. This means no primary male hormone - this is bad. It is also why test should be included in every cycle.


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