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  1. #1
    Silude95 is offline New Member
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    Is my DNP working?

    Im on day 8 of my dnp cycle and am not sweating yet. Im taking the red and white 250mg crystal caps.... i think there the same as the ones most people on the board are taking. i stayed at 250 till day six and then bumped it to 500 but am still not feeling the heat. I dont believe it is fake as i got it from a place i thought to be a very reputable...if any one would let me double check with them that would be great....sorry if thats not allowed. I seem to have all the other side effects that people talk about in there logs. My piss is neon yellow at times, i wake up and can tell ive been sweating, i wake up with such a dry soar throat i can barely talk till i start drinkning water. I m short of breath most of the time, have horrible gas and if i get any where near a heat source i start to feel like im cooking when normally id be warm. I just am not walking around feeling hot all the time and i dont get warm when i eat carbs. I also noticed i dropped fat in the first two days and then started to hold water. Does this sound right? i know every one reacts different and probably just need to wait a few more days till it hits me but cant help to start thinking somethings not right. I only have three more days to take it and do not want to go to 750mgs. any help would be great...and sorry for the long post.

  2. #2
    SHAGGY is offline Member
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    Well if it is working, why bump it up to a higher dose and risk so many negative things, if it is working with minimal sides, then you can be accounted to the lucky. No need to risk anything else, just keep as it is and wait for the water weight to come off after the cycle to asses the results.
    Good luck.


  3. #3
    Silude95 is offline New Member
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    so does it sound like it is working??... im not planning on going higher then 500, just wanna make sure imnot wasting my time.

  4. #4
    cj1capp's Avatar
    cj1capp is offline Anabolic Member
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    i would say its working as the sings and symptoms you present with are classic of DNP use. " My piss is neon yellow at times, i wake up and can tell ive been sweating, i wake up with such a dry soar throat i can barely talk till i start drinkning water. I m short of breath most of the time, have horrible gas and if i get any where near a heat source i start to feel like im cooking when normally id be warm. I just am not walking around feeling hot all the time and i dont get warm when i eat carbs. I also noticed i dropped fat in the first two days and then started to hold water"

    Many times you cant tell how well DNP has worked until you come off and a number of days have passed to get your water your holding onto off.

  5. #5
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    do you get hot after eating carb meals? that was an obvious sign for me... and had 0 energy.... just felt sluggish and fatigued ALL day i hated it....hard to breathe at times etc....but the piss being yellow yea thats a sign of dnp BUT also a sign of dehydration so you better make sure you're drinkin plenty of water mine had a yellow color to it but it was incredibly diluted cuz i drank up to 2 gals a day. but if you get behind on your water consumption it can be dangerous.....

  6. #6
    Snrf's Avatar
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    with the good DNP you'll hardly notice anything, then a few days after you come off you suddenly have abs, awesome!

  7. #7
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    with the good DNP you'll hardly notice anything, then a few days after you come off you suddenly have abs, awesome!
    every fat ass newbie on this board just read that and is now lookin for dnp ....nice post snrf lol

  8. #8
    Silude95 is offline New Member
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    thanks for the help guys, im drinking well over a gallon of water a day plus gaterade, v8 and i work at a bar and pound the little cans of pinnapple juice all night. im just gonna go ahead an assume its working and hopefully ill see the results when i come off. i just really expected this experience to be way worse then its been....probably shouldnt complain.

  9. #9
    Silude95 is offline New Member
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    not sure if this is allowed.... but would anyone be willing to let me pm them where i got the dnp from so i might be able to clear up any chances its fake....sorry ahead of time if this isnt cool.
    Last edited by Silude95; 03-10-2007 at 04:45 PM.

  10. #10
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silude95
    thanks for the help guys, im drinking well over a gallon of water a day plus gaterade, v8 and i work at a bar and pound the little cans of pinnapple juice all night. im just gonna go ahead an assume its working and hopefully ill see the results when i come off. i just really expected this experience to be way worse then its been....probably shouldnt complain.
    u dont drink alcohol while ur on it do you? cuz thats not a good idea....and i know working at a bar could be rough

    also i dont think u have the ability to pm yet...dunno how many posts is takes tho

  11. #11
    Silude95 is offline New Member
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    i actually work outside the bar checking ids so theres no temptation to drink..... should have mentioned that ive been standing out in 20 degree temps and have been fairly comfortable in two wool sweaters and no coat when im out of the wind. Your right i cant pm yet.. gonna work on that one asap.

  12. #12
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    I have a feelig me and you got our DNP from the same place, because I didn't feel squat either.

  13. #13
    Silude95 is offline New Member
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    i read your log before starting and was hoping I wouldnt run into the same problem.

  14. #14
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Too bad you can't PM...
    Last edited by SVTMuscle*; 03-10-2007 at 06:00 PM.

  15. #15
    Silude95 is offline New Member
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    hopefully soon
    Last edited by Silude95; 03-10-2007 at 07:01 PM.

  16. #16
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    15 posts

  17. #17
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    ive seen tht site before but dunno never heard of anyone orderin there

  18. #18
    Silude95 is offline New Member
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    all my friends use it with no probs at all. everytings always straight and legit plus ive checked them on the british dragon suppliers list there on it. just took my second dose of the day and i feel like im breathing like a fat man walking up a flight of stairs and im warm and feel like im haveing heat flashes. i guess im just impatient.

  19. #19
    fred9's Avatar
    fred9 is offline Member
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    it jsut takes a while before u notice anything with that dose..
    im a little experimenting with dnp ...ive done a very short cycle..1st day 1000mg 2nd day 800mg....u notice the sweating in a few hours and holds for approx 3days after the last if u take it on monday and tuesday, then u aren't a sweating pig in the weekend..

    This is really not for a first timer...u first need to know if u dont get a allergic reaction from the dnp...if u know how u react it's quite good to go..

    the 1000mg sounds freaky, but with a 400mgED 10 day cycle the buildup of dnp is much higher in the last few days of that 10day cycle...

  20. #20
    mr.crumbs is offline New Member
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    Question help what is dnp also?

    can anyone recommend a site where one can get recommended dosages for cytomel ,insulin ,anabolics,hgh and igf1 for male and female

  21. #21
    goose is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr.crumbs
    can anyone recommend a site where one can get recommended dosages for cytomel,insulin,anabolics,hgh and igf1 for male and female

    Yes this site Silly

    Use the research button the top right.Guess what the info here is free.

    Welcome to AR,the place to be,I guess.

  22. #22
    bukwheat's Avatar
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    im on 7th day of dnp cycle started 4days at 250 then bumped up to 500 for remander of cycle.this is second cycle and dnp is from diff source then first cycle which i think is what yall might be taking cause i really didnt feel anything from first cycle.this time i totaly feel sides after 3days and after bumping up to 500mg im really hot and very lethargic.the bloat is bad .like im on d-bols.i think this stuff is much better than other stuff i had.there the red and white caps.

  23. #23
    Silude95 is offline New Member
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    well tomorrow is my last day and its def working now. im having trouble sitting in my classes cause of the heat and i feel like my teachers are staring at me while im panting for breath in a t shirt while everyone else is in sweaters. i cant wait to come off this stuff and see the results. im dying to know if its poor quality dnp or high quality with little sides. hey bukwheat...would u be willing to send me a pm about the better dnp cause i dont want to use the dnp from my source again

  24. #24
    bukwheat's Avatar
    bukwheat is offline Banned
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    hey selude try to send me private message cause for some reason i cant send you one .says i dont have privelages or something.PM your e-mail.

  25. #25
    Silude95 is offline New Member
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    hey im in the same boat, we need to have 15 pm to be able to pm or send emails. if possible just hit me at [email protected]. thanks man

  26. #26
    Conciliator is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silude95
    im dying to know if its poor quality dnp or high quality with little sides.
    Your DNP is working. You don't have to be suffering or even feeling it for it to be increasing your metabolism and the oxidation of fat. The effects are dose dependant, which means the more you take, the greater the increase in metabolic rate, the greater the fat loss, and the greater the side effects.

    There are two important points that you should undertand. The first has to do with this idea going around that "high quality" DNP has few side effects. This is marketing nonsense. "Crystal DNP" or "crystalline DNP" is the street/slang name for the sodium salt of DNP. It's comprised of 25% salt and 75% actual DNP. This means that when you take 200mg of crystal DNP, 50mg is salt (which has no effect) and the other 150mg is actual DNP.

    There is also DNP powder. It comes wetted with at least 15% water and needs to be dried before being capped. Once it's dried out, though, it's pure DNP. 75mg of powder DNP = 100mg of crystal DNP (you need less powder for the same effect). This means that powder DNP is 33% stronger than crystal DNP. Another way to say it is that crystal DNP is 25% weaker than powder DNP. A few sellers of the crystal have done a good job of misleading people into thinking it's the other way around, but the research and the history bear it out. This is important to know if you're taking DNP and planning your dosages.

    Some people mistakenly think that crystal DNP has fewer side effects on account of being "good crystal" when in reality, people have fewer side effects simply because they're ingesting less actual DNP. Of course you'll have fewer side effects if you're taking less! Some prominent DNP salesmen have done a good job of perpetuating this myth by claiming that their "blend" or the "high quality" of their DNP limit the side effects... This is just a BS excuse for less actual DNP. After you ingest crystal DNP the salt is removed and you're left with the exact same DNP that's found in the powder. Both have extremely high bioavailability and there's no benefit to taking one over the other, unless one has a higher assay, in which case there'd be a lower risk for contaminants. If you have fewer sides, it means you're taking less actual DNP. This, in turn, means you're not losing as much fat via DNP's uncoupling.

    The second thing to realize is that there's a great deal of variation in individual response to a given dosage of DNP. While 200mg/day could raise one person's metabolim by 50%, it might raise another person's metabolism by less than half that. This is the reason it's so important to titrate your dosage and monitor your temperature and the sides. Absolute dosage recommendations are completely inadequate. If you have few sides at 500mg/day (375mg/day of actual DNP), you may simply be less sensitive to it than the average person is. It doesn't necessarily mean the DNP is underdosed (though it could be).

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