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Thread: propecia and deca?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    dirty jerzy

    propecia and deca?

    what's the deal with propecia and deca? I heard if you take the two together your hair will fall out more? is this true? also how long should you wait till you can use propecia if deca is still in you will 15 days be ok?

    also will propecia help with body hair growth and acne from dht?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    los angeles
    YEAH BRo, deca unlike the other roids has the reverse effect with propecia. it increases the rate of conversion to DHT which is the cause of hairloss in those who are prone to it in the first place. that's one reason i am not taking deca right now cause i am taking propecia. haven't heard anything about body hair growth or acne with propecia, i don't think it has an effect on it. also i just found out that high doses of propecia does aromatize to some level, so be carefull!!! the most effective way of keeping dht levels to it's lowest is , according, to a research proffesor, take 1 1/2 tabs of 1 mg prop daily and every 5-7 days take 5 mg of propecia. this will keep the dht at the ultimate lowest just my 2 cents

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I'm doing 350mg of test prop weekly (100mg eod) and using 1.25mg eod. It depends on how much test you are using. My problem with deca is you obviously want to throw test in there to avoid deca dick. You want to use finastride/propecia with test to protect your hair and your prostate but you can't since you're using deca. I'd go with eq instead.

  4. #4
    when you use deca it lowers your dht levels.Deca is good with test.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    dirty jerzy
    thanks guy, do you think 1.25mg eod is enough with 500mg or less of test a week? and what's the half live? eod is okay?

  6. #6
    Originally posted by the quest aka ef
    thanks guy, do you think 1.25mg eod is enough with 500mg or less of test a week? and what's the half live? eod is okay?
    I was always told 1.25mg ed for 500mg test a week.Another note you might get limp dick from using propecia.

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