I know tren can be pretty bad on your kidneys and liver. Im going to run tren ace for 6-8 weeks with prop 8-10. I was curious what people take so they dont piss out their liver and kidney (ie milk thistle).
I know tren can be pretty bad on your kidneys and liver. Im going to run tren ace for 6-8 weeks with prop 8-10. I was curious what people take so they dont piss out their liver and kidney (ie milk thistle).
Last edited by Lunacy; 03-11-2007 at 05:48 PM.
I use apple cider vinegar about 2 tbs (i don't measure) and mix with 4oz of Crystal Light, either the orange or the raspberry ice to cut the taste of the vinegar. Also, main thing i take is Liv-52 which is a detox supplement for the liver especially. You can drink some cranberry and is supposedly good for the kidneys. Remember to drink plenty of h20. I prefer tren e much over the a.
I have heard about the liv 52 before and just read about it. Looks pretty popular and effective. So, this would be in place of milk thistle, correct? What does the apple cider vinegar impact? Also, why dont you like ace?Originally Posted by mick-g
bump. Opinions, facts, experiences???
Bump. Anyone?
Liv52, Milk thistle, a diet high in organic raw veg, plenty of filtered water, vit C.
Noted. Do you take the recomended dose of Liv52 or more? How much milk thistle do you take as well? I will be drinking 1 1/2 -2 gallons of water ed and lots of veggies cause of the cutting diet. ECA stack included as well. I take a mutli vit ed that has vit c. Do I need more and why? Thanks broOriginally Posted by perfectbeast2001
I would use NAC instead of Milk thistle during the cycle at least.
In this study:
Zhu W, Zhang JS, Young CY. Silymarin inhibits
function of the androgen receptor by reducing nuclear
localization of the receptor in the human prostate
cancer cell line LNCaP. Carcinogenesis 2001;22:
Silymarin was demonstrated to diminish nuclear androgen receptor levels...although the research was done on the prostate. Most of the Silymarin anti-androgen research is done on the prostate, which is the problem. I'm having trouble finding studies that look directly at skeletal muscle, but some coaches such as Poliquin have pulled their athletes off of it in place of N-Acetyl-Cysteine due to possible anti-androgen properties.
Another study:
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Mayo Graduate School, Mayo Clinic/Foundation, Rochester, MN 55905, USA PMID: 11532861 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
A number of reports have shown that the polyphenolic flavonoid silymarin (SM) is an effective anticancer agent. Agents with novel mechanisms of blocking androgen receptor (AR) function may be useful for prostate cancer prevention and therapy.
Previous studies showed that silibinin (SB), the major active component of SM, could inhibit cell proliferation of a human prostate cancer cell line, LNCaP, by arresting the cell cycle at the G(1) phase without causing cell death. This study further delineates the potential molecular mechanism by which SM and SB exhibit antiproliferative effects on androgen-responsive prostate cancer cells by inhibiting function of the AR. We observed that SM and SB inhibited androgen-stimulated cell proliferation as well as androgen-stimulated secretion of both prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and human glandular kallikrein (hK2). Additionally, for the first time, we show that an immunophilin, FKBP51, is androgen regulated and that this up-regulation is suppressed by SM and SB. We further demonstrate that transactivation activity of the AR was diminished by SM and SB using gene transfer of PSA promoter and hK2 androgen-responsive element constructs. However, expression and steroid-binding ability of total AR were not affected by SM in western blotting and ligand-binding assays. Intriguingly, we found that nuclear AR levels are significantly reduced by SM and SB in the presence of androgens using western blotting assay and immunocytochemical staining. This study provides a new insight into how SM and SB negatively modulate androgen action in prostate cancer cells.
Vitamin C, plenty of water, NAC, flaxseed oil and a generally healthy diet is my main way of hopefully protecting myself.
NAC?Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
nice info, skull
Originally Posted by Lunacy
N-Acetyl Cysteine
I take 2x liv52 twice daily. 1x milk thistle (500g) twice dailyOriginally Posted by Lunacy
Vit C I take all year at a minimum dose of 6 grams daily. If I am feeling low and tired I may take up to 15g.
Make sure Veg is organic, eating pesticides will not help with liver and kidney stress.
Ok, I will research it. ThanksOriginally Posted by Skullsmasher
Theres no data proving that tren is in any way toxic to the kidneys, let alone liver (its not 17-alpha alkylated). Any toxicity reported by users was usually by those using Finaplix converted kits, which can be due to chemicals used in the conversion (especially methanol), or the impurities in the converted kits themselves.
Before you say - "what about darkening of the urine", its not due to blood in the urine, but tren metabolites excreted by the kidneys which themselves color the urine dark.
I still advise drinking at least 2 gallons of water, but that would be a good advice anyway, whether doing a cycle of tren or not, so would be taking NAC.
as Vadim-b1 said tren aint liver toxic so it wont be a problem for that organ, maybe the only problem is if you r on low carb diet and use tren for prolonged period you can get ``fat`` liver. About the kidneys you have to be sure you r drinkin immense amount of water. tren is notorious rising calcium levels and increasing the risk for developing kidney stones.
Originally Posted by vadim_b1
You beat me too it!
Liv-52 you can use instead of milk thistle and is more effective. Also, yes tren is not aa17, so there shouldn't be that much strain on the liver, maybe the kidneys tho. I would be taking saw palmetto 600mg cap a day, for the prostate. that is most important.
Originally Posted by mick-g
saw palmetto wont help you with tren as tren do not have dihidro form.
Thanks. Very informative. I will research NAC and tren a bit more. You hear people saying this and that with no validity. I usually ask for scientific backing but I guess, in this case, I didnt take my own advice. Thanks again.Originally Posted by vadim_b1
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