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Thread: ergopharm 1-ad question

  1. #1

    ergopharm 1-ad question

    I have 2 bottles of ergopharm 1-ad, i have done 2 cycles befor this, the last one was about 12 or more months ago, but the 1-ad I have expires in 4/07 wich is getting fairly close, and i was wondering if taking it alil bit after the experation date but would be bad or change anything like sideffects or results or anything at all. if u know anything about it, it would be great to know, and my previouse cycles i have take milkthisle, zma, and rebount xt, instead of milkthistle i think im gona use ALA or NAC, if i even take the cycle

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    you should be ok, but try it sooner

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Welcome to the board.

    You'll be fine. Not to ask obvious questions, but you are aware that it is a steroid right?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    long island, new york
    you should be fine. make sure you go into the PCT forum and do research on what to use after your cycle to bring your natural test back up and learn how not to lose your gains. do not just use that rebound xt garbage

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