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  1. #1
    FatManExp is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    3rd Cycle Critique Please

    Hey folks, just wondering if you guys could comment and suggest anything different for my 3rd cycle. I am 33, 215lbs, bf around 14-15%, previous cycles were sust 250 and test e, both for 10 weeks. I was thinking of the following for somewhat of a cutter. Any input would be great, thanks.

    WEEKS 1-10: Masteron , 50mg, ED
    WEEKS 1-12: Test E, 75mg, ED
    WEEKS 1-12: HCG , 250iu, EOD
    WEEKS 1-10: T3, 50-75mcg, ED
    WEEKS 1-12: Clen , 60-120mcg, Benedryl every 35 days for 7 days
    WEEKS 1-12: Arimidex , 0.25mg, ED
    WEEK 13: 40mg Nolva/100mg Clomid, ED
    WEEK 14: 30mg Nolva/ 50mg Clomid, ED
    WEEK 15: 20mg Nolva/ 50mg Clomid, ED

  2. #2
    rodosman's Avatar
    rodosman is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2005
    Why are you injecting test E everyday? It only needs to be shot once per week. If you are on a cutter Test Prop would be ideal but test E will do if you already have in hand. Other than that it looks fine, just depends on your cardio and diet.

  3. #3
    FatManExp is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by rodosman
    Why are you injecting test E everyday? It only needs to be shot once per week. If you are on a cutter Test Prop would be ideal but test E will do if you already have in hand. Other than that it looks fine, just depends on your cardio and diet.
    Yeah, I've got a wack of Test e from my last cycle. I figured since I was injecting ED anyway, I would just include my test e with the masteron . I was also thinking on pre-loading the test e say 250mg first day, not sure on that one though.

  4. #4
    FatManExp is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    *bump*. Any other thoughts ? Also, can I inject the Test, Masteron and HCG together ?


  5. #5
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    u dont need hcg and change the clomid to arimidex or aromasin .. clomid is pointless and not used now days.

    yeah u can frontload no harm in that.

    have fun w/ it

  6. #6
    FatManExp is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    u dont need hcg and change the clomid to arimidex or aromasin .. clomid is pointless and not used now days.

    yeah u can frontload no harm in that.

    have fun w/ it
    Thanks for the input. Since I am already running arimidex at .25 everyday during my cycle, how would I incorporate it with the Nolva in the PCT ? Also, I read one of the PCT suggestions in the PCT section (sticky) that indicated running HCG through the cycle, I'm guessing you think my amounts of AAS's are not high enough to warrant it, would that be true ? Thanks again.

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