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Thread: thoughts on adding Tren Base to my cycle!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    in my lounge

    Question thoughts on adding Tren Base to my cycle!

    the initial plan was to run a straight 10week Test E cycle adding Halo for the 1st 4-5weeks. as it is i m comin up to week 3 of that cycle tomorrow.
    looking at PCT times following that cycle and assuming that i will stick to the "time on=time off" rule i wont be able to run a summer cutter for this year.

    due to that i am playing with the idea of extending Test E from 10 to 12 weeks and adding Tren Base at 75mg eod for weeks 4-10 to have that extra kick and fatburning properties to get me into shape for summer.

    how will the inclusion of a Nor compound affect my PCT and recovery bearing in mind that by week 4 the Test E must have fully kicked in and that i would be running Test for 2weeks longer than Tren?

    how strong an effect you reckon Tren will have on my libido again bearing in mind that i ll be on week 4 of 500mgs Test/week having frontloaded the 1st at a 1000mgs?

    am looking forward to your replies and advice!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    in my lounge
    hello? any input?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    its your first cycle isn't it? forget adding tren, especially tren base

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    in my lounge
    aye my 1st - you are right bout that. i spose your advice is with regards to the harsh sides of Tren.

    i m just a bit p****d cos the Test is givin me quite a bit of bloat - despite takin Adex at .5/day and having upped my cardio ... i just hate the idea of goin into summer with a good amount of new muscle no c**t will be able to see!

    if you reckon that Tren is out of the question due to my lack of experience is there an alternative compound that will help?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by davidinvienna
    i m just a bit p****d cos the Test is givin me quite a bit of bloat
    You drop the water when you come off cycle. That is one of my favorite parts about cycling. While I'm on I see myself in the mirror and I tell myself I need to work harder to get rid of that - it motivates me. About two weeks after coming off the bloat is gone from my lowerback, face... everywhere.
    That is when you know your hard work had paid off and it shows.
    I've used tren acetate and enanthenate but not the base. I assume it requires injections twice a day like test base (better check not sure). At the very least it needs to be taken ED. That is alot of injections if your only used
    to twice or three times a week. You will need a lot of spots you can hit to properly rotate. I have inquired about tren base and I have heard only that it is extremely painful that is why you don't hear much about it. The insomnia,night sweats, and acne on tren aren't fun either. The insomnia starts getting to me after a while - several weeks. Its not that I don't fall asleep but rather I'll wake up two hours later -fall asleep after an hour or two then get up again in an hour or two and then not be able to sleep. Being able to power nap during the day is a big help if you can.

    Halo bro? I didn't think anybody used that stuff anymore. I haven't used it but I hear it is harsh to the nines. Another reason to think about saving the tren for later.

    Last edited by jagdpanther; 03-11-2007 at 01:54 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    in my lounge
    Quote Originally Posted by jagdpanther
    You drop the water when you come off cycle. That is one of my favorite parts about cycling. While I'm on I see myself in the mirror and I tell myself I need to work harder to get rid of that - it motivates me. About two weeks after coming off the bloat is gone from my lowerback, face... everywhere.
    That is when you know your hard work had paid off and it shows.
    I've used tren acetate and enanthenate but not the base. I assume it requires injections twice a day like test base (better check not sure). At the very least it needs to be taken ED. That is alot of injections if your only used
    to twice or three times a week. You will need a lot of spots you can hit to properly rotate. I have inquired about tren base and I have heard only that it is extremely painful that is why you don't hear much about it. The insomnia,night sweats, and acne on tren aren't fun either. The insomnia starts getting to me after a while - several weeks. Its not that I don't fall asleep but rather I'll wake up two hours later -fall asleep after an hour or two then get up again in an hour or two and then not be able to sleep. Being able to power nap during the day is a big help if you can.

    Halo bro? I didn't think anybody used that stuff anymore. I haven't used it but I hear it is harsh to the nines. Another reason to think about saving the tren for later.


    great informative post bro - thank you! yea i m usin Halo at 30mgs/day - comin up week 3 now. as for it being harsh i haven't had any noticeable sides so far ... with ref to it being hepatoxic i m taking 3000mgs of Fish Oil Caps/day in order to take care of that.

    the reason i was askin bout Tren Base in particular is that it seems to be the one i can get my hands on most easily. have learnt sumthng new tho by ur post mate since i was under the impression that one cud get away with shootin Tren Base ED - didnt know bout the twice/day thing .... thx for letn me know tho!

    based on your experience with Tren A as well as Tren E - which one do you pref?

  7. #7
    Check on the Tren base needing to be twice a day, that protocol is based on my assumption that it is like Test base.

    Do I like Tren ace or Enanthenate better? That is like asking me if I like Test Enanthenate or test prop better. I like both.
    With shorter esters I tend to get milder sides but also milder results. The hormone base works the same with either ester its just that the with the longer esters I tend to build up a higher concentration of hormone in my blood over 15 - 25 days. Which makes controling the sides more difficult and ittakes longer for any reduction in dosage to have effect. For that reason I'd prefer short esters for a new guy when dealing with tren, however I believe in ED not EOD shots, which I don't recomend for a new guy.
    Those are some of the reasons moderate length estered testosterones are recomended for everyones first cycle.
    All cycles should include test, twice a week injections allow one to move from breaking in the glutes to the quads,then delts etc. This will make taking ed shots down the road easier. The sides from test are mild compared to something like Tren, especially if you start with a dose of 500mg or under.

    I know fish oil is good for your hdl/ldl ratio but what does it do for your liver?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Adding tren wil not reduce your bloat, which seems to be the main concern here. Make sure you are drinking huge ammounts of water 1 gallon+ ED and a V low salt diet. Along with the Adex bloat should reduce.

  9. #9
    Taking Tren to get rid of bloat isn't probably the best idea i've heard of, winny perhaps - but this is your first cycle....
    If you are bloated, up the cardio and lay off simple carbs, or cut down on carbs altogether. I am just starting my PCT to my first cycle; Test E 500mgs/week.
    I got bloated bad from weeks 4 to 6 at 15% BF - cheeks blew up! It was because I ate to many simple carbs. So I cleaned up my diet and layed off the carbs and I looked pretty cut at about 12% BF by week 11. I was still on the long estered Test, but i was doing way more cardio and got the diet under control. If I could do it so can you - save the Tren for a much later cycle if you decide to go down that road.

    goodl uck

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    in my lounge
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    Adding tren wil not reduce your bloat, which seems to be the main concern here. Make sure you are drinking huge ammounts of water 1 gallon+ ED and a V low salt diet. Along with the Adex bloat should reduce.
    thx beast. on very low salt in general anyway ... not much salt in my diet at any given time to be honest. in addition i m steering well clear from any hidden sugars. waterintake is approx 1gallon if not even slightly over - hope i can get rid of that bloat by implementing the a/f mentioned as well as a fair amount of cardio.

    jagdpanther - fish oil caps are supossed to protect and detox the liver as far as i have been told ... so far i havent heard any conflicting info on that issue.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    in my lounge
    Quote Originally Posted by briancb1
    Taking Tren to get rid of bloat isn't probably the best idea i've heard of, winny perhaps - but this is your first cycle....
    If you are bloated, up the cardio and lay off simple carbs, or cut down on carbs altogether. I am just starting my PCT to my first cycle; Test E 500mgs/week.
    I got bloated bad from weeks 4 to 6 at 15% BF - cheeks blew up! It was because I ate to many simple carbs. So I cleaned up my diet and layed off the carbs and I looked pretty cut at about 12% BF by week 11. I was still on the long estered Test, but i was doing way more cardio and got the diet under control. If I could do it so can you - save the Tren for a much later cycle if you decide to go down that road.

    goodl uck

    good stuff - sounds like there s still hope for me

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