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Taking Tren to get rid of bloat isn't probably the best idea i've heard of, winny perhaps - but this is your first cycle....
If you are bloated, up the cardio and lay off simple carbs, or cut down on carbs altogether. I am just starting my PCT to my first cycle; Test E 500mgs/week.
I got bloated bad from weeks 4 to 6 at 15% BF - cheeks blew up! It was because I ate to many simple carbs. So I cleaned up my diet and layed off the carbs and I looked pretty cut at about 12% BF by week 11. I was still on the long estered Test, but i was doing way more cardio and got the diet under control. If I could do it so can you - save the Tren for a much later cycle if you decide to go down that road.
goodl uck