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  1. #1
    Luke530 is offline Junior Member
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    First Cycle (Light - need opinions)

    I'm thinking about running 300mg of Test Prop for 10 weeks.
    I've heard that I may not notice much in terms of gains, but I would at least like to see how I feel and see how my body reacts to exogenous testosterone .

    I'm very lean at the moment, 5'10" 175 8%, I cut purposefully to be able to judge my gains a little better.

    What should I do about my PCT - I have nolva on hand (60x20mg caps) and I can get arimidex if necessary. I'm not sure if I should run it during my cycle or just after, and how much?

    Need opinions on the cycle itself (will I notice anything, is it ok as a first cycle) and PCT.


  2. #2
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    you'll get great results with that cycle but you're going to be stabbing yourself everyday (pretty painful injections as well). I'd suggest a long ester test for a first cycle. 2 painless injects a week.

  3. #3
    jagdpanther's Avatar
    jagdpanther is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by testisbest
    you'll get great results with that cycle but you're going to be stabbing yourself everyday (pretty painful injections as well). I'd suggest a long ester test for a first cycle. 2 painless injects a week.
    Not only that but your going to have break in like 6 virgin muscle injection sites to rotate through during the first week. The small volume of the injects would be a bonus but that is a hell of week or two when the muscles aren't used to being expanded by oil. Your taining and most likely day today movement will be affected. Testisbest is right, choose a longer ester which will allow you to spread out the development of new injection sites over the course of your cycle. That would make a test proprionate cycle easier down the road.


  4. #4
    Luke530 is offline Junior Member
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    hmm... I thought of it the opposite way, and I thought it would be good for me to get used to injections.

    ok, I suppose I'll rethink it.

    maybe a cyp/eq or enth/eq cycle? or should I just stick with test only?

    Also, is Nolva only ok for PCT? It's not a heavy cycle, so I'm not worried unless there's something I don't know.

    My PCT will be Nolva

    Week 1: 60mg first 2 days, 40 the rest
    Week 2: 40mg
    Week 3: 20mg
    Week 4: 20mg eod

    Thanks in advance!

  5. #5
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    if you do not mind the ed injections mate then go for it.................

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  6. #6
    Luke530 is offline Junior Member
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    Are you referring to the prop? that would be spread out 100mg 3x per week.
    The cyp and eq would be 2x per week.

    ...and I don't know if I mind the injections ...I'm yet to inject something

  7. #7
    hardgainer1's Avatar
    hardgainer1 is offline Senior Member
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    150 mg every other day will be good. BUt I think you might want to try and make some gains naturally first

  8. #8
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    Test only for a first cycle. That way you'll what sides you get with test so when you decide to stack, you'll have a better idea of what is causing sides and what isn't.

  9. #9
    Luke530 is offline Junior Member
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    lol, i've been doing this for 6 years... i'm not heavy at 175, but I could go on stage in a week. Sure I could probably be natural and compete at 200, maybe in 2 years time - you can always gain more naturally, but this is a personal choice, thanks for the advice.

    Quote Originally Posted by hardgainer1
    150 mg every other day will be good. BUt I think you might want to try and make some gains naturally first

  10. #10
    DrHacksq is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luke530
    I'm thinking about running 300mg of Test Prop for 10 weeks.
    I've heard that I may not notice much in terms of gains, but I would at least like to see how I feel and see how my body reacts to exogenous testosterone .

    I'm very lean at the moment, 5'10" 175 8%, I cut purposefully to be able to judge my gains a little better.

    What should I do about my PCT - I have nolva on hand (60x20mg caps) and I can get arimidex if necessary. I'm not sure if I should run it during my cycle or just after, and how much?

    Need opinions on the cycle itself (will I notice anything, is it ok as a first cycle) and PCT.

    You'll see great gains!

    Just make sure to eat enough! Also, don't get too caught up about maintaining 8% bf. Go for mass. But this of course is not a recommendation to bulk up and get fat either...

    I'd also go 12 weeks.

  11. #11
    Luke530 is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2002

    Quote Originally Posted by testisbest
    Test only for a first cycle. That way you'll what sides you get with test so when you decide to stack, you'll have a better idea of what is causing sides and what isn't.
    Ok, last questions.

    Test vs Cyp? I'm not looking to get bloated - I heard and read prop is better in terms of less side effects (such as bloat), and just in case sides occur, it's out of my system faster. I'm looking to put on some good lean weight.

    My diet will not be a problem, I'm always spot on. Cardio probably 3x per week.

    I know test is test, so I'm sure the water will disappear once PCT starts, but in terms of gains, is one better than the other? I got some good deals on both, and very reputable brands, but the cyp (200mg/ml 10cc) will be cheaper than the prop (100mg/ml 10cc), so if there's no difference, I'd rather go with the cyp and cover a good part of my PCT with the savings

    Thanks Again.

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