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Thread: winstrol + anavar

  1. #1

    winstrol + anavar

    Whats up guys I have got a 1 month cycle of winstrol and what i believe to be a 1 month cycle of anavar. I got these from a good friend of mine. I have taken half the cycle of the winstrol so far and now my friend tells me to start taking the anavar. is this smart? also what should I take with these or am I good?

  2. #2
    the anavar is about in four packets containing 60 orange tabs. sound right? also while taking these should I worry about anything?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Steel City
    this is not smart at all...for many reasons...

    1.u need test with winstrol
    2.if winstol is need to take some serious precautions
    3.winstrol and var dont make for a good cycle
    4.cycle of var should last 6-8 weeks
    5.what do u plan on doing for pct
    6.youre not ready for aas and youre one of the people who give it a bad name not start taking the anavar
    8.kick your friends ass for being mindless...

    do some research on this site bro...learn some things...alot of things...

    if u can get more var...6-8 weeks 50mg ed

    and next time you post about a cycle....give stats


    good luck

  4. #4
    thanks a bunch man.

  5. #5
    So far this site has helped me out a lot. I just got a question. Can you tell me why it is a bad idea to mix both these into one cycle, so I can tell my friend off while sounding educated

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    two orals is going to do a number on your liver.

  7. #7
    I see

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Down South
    Quote Originally Posted by TheNatural3456
    this is not smart at all...for many reasons...

    1.u need test with winstrol- SAYS WHO
    2.if winstol is need to take some serious precautions
    3.winstrol and var dont make for a good cycle SAYS WHO
    4.cycle of var should last 6-8 weeks SAYS WHO
    5.what do u plan on doing for pct
    6.youre not ready for aas and youre one of the people who give it a bad name not start taking the anavar
    8.kick your friends ass for being mindless...

    do some research on this site bro...learn some things...alot of things...

    if u can get more var...6-8 weeks 50mg ed

    and next time you post about a cycle....give stats


    good luck
    I just dont see who makes these rules up.. my boy is running some winny with dbol only and having sick results.. care to tell him hes doing something wrong... ?? there is no right or wrong way for anything.. some ppl use pct some dont... its how u react to the drug.. there are no set in stone rules..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    You're right about there being no set rules when it comes to all of this, because it all depends on who evers body. IMO it's also not a good idea to suggest to a beginer to take two oral steroids that are liver toxic in the same cycle. We dont know how it will effect them. Now for someone with more expieriance.... thats a diffrent story. IMO it's also a good idea to get beginers started on PCT from the get go. I think this because not only does it give them a knowage of it for other cycles but it also gets them in the habbit of thinking about what this steroid or that steroid will do to them and how they can combat these effects.

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