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  1. #1
    Big orange is offline New Member
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    First real cycle

    Hi I'm obviously new to this forum and am just looking for more information on what to expect with my cycle, and some tips/tricks on making things go smoothley. I wanted to get a bit more knowledge before i started but my friend got this cycle fairly cheap and wanted to start right away before he leaves for vacation in 6 weeks. Were both taking the same stuff and I heard from some fairly experienced lifters that it's ok and to give it a shot... so here i am. last year i took m1t's and saw some major strength gaines bench went through the roof. I was very impressed with the gains, my hair was falling out like a mother tho i was definatley not impressed with that. I heard there harder on your body than just doing the real deal so i thought no more screwing around. I'm 22 170lbs.... worked out for 3-4 years fairly steady, bench around 205 for 8 reps or so... squat 275 for reps. I know i gotta hit the legs harder but there such a bitch to train. Anyways What we got is liqua tech sustanon 250, xtech labs eq200 equapoise, i was told good for your joints etc, similar to deca , and liqua-tech trenabol 10ml viles. I was told to take anywhere from half a ml twice a week to 1 ml twice a week if your goin hard of sust, and mix the other 2. .5ml of the eq and trenabol at the same time... basically 1 ml once a week of that. All my needles are in ml's so all this 400-500mg's of test a week is hard to measure out. i'm definatley learning more as i go along I have shot the sustanon once 4 days ago and the mix of the other 2 yesterday and so far feel nothing, just workin out steady as always. All comments are welcome, no major bashing i know i should have took more time figuring things out before but everyone is assuring me it's a sure thing so..... thanks gang

  2. #2
    jdm95lude's Avatar
    jdm95lude is offline Associate Member
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    whats your question.... and mgs and mls are the same. If you have a 250ml bottle that means 1cc = 250mgs. You need to run EQ 400-600mg w/k 12-14wks to see good gains.

  3. #3
    topnotch is offline Member
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    Man, it sounds like you are not ready whatsoever...needles are in mls and most mixes are for example 250mg/ml or something like that...and if it's your first cycle, then put the tren away it's way too harsh...put all the stuff back for awhile, and do your at 170, im sure you can put a lot more on naturally if you would just get your diet in check.

  4. #4
    jdm95lude's Avatar
    jdm95lude is offline Associate Member
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    Also if its your first "real cycle" all you need is some test. No tabs. Just do test 400-500 mg wk for 10 wks thats the general first cycle. With proper PCT and i didnt read anywhere about your PCT so do you even have that ligned up yet or figured out....

  5. #5
    Big orange is offline New Member
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    I'm heading to a "friendly" local doctor in town monday to get some clomid/nolvadex . I already have 6oxo's although i can imagine there a bit of a joke for blocking estrogen at this point. I used them after taking m1t's last year but i'm not sure if they really did much. As far as my diet... well its ok not great i eat lots but party a bit and get a little relaxed with things. thats one of the reasons i wanted to start a cycle so I'm not drinking and really take things seriously so i can see some gains. I'm only 5"8 and im sure i could gain a few more pounds naturally but im sick of busting my ass for months straight and only gaining a couple pounds, especially when everyone around me is 20 pounds heavier and have been lifting alot less. About the trenabol If you figure its something not to bemessing with at this stage then i wont bother with it, thats why I'm here its not like you can just talk to anybody about this stuff. it's like a big secret and noone wants to talk about what they take gains side affects etc. I've learned more in 4 days on this site reading than i did in the past 4-5 years i've been working out.

  6. #6
    topnotch is offline Member
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    You definately came to the right place for great advice. The guys here really know what they are talking about. About your diet, you definately need to get that in line. Steroids won't change anything without a great diet plan. I know it's hard to push back, but try to hold off for awhile and try to get it in check. Also look at your training. You may be overtraining or anything...Never know..Welcome though and good luck

  7. #7
    jdm95lude's Avatar
    jdm95lude is offline Associate Member
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    yeah dude ditch the tren for sure. And about rushing into gear.... If you dont have a good base to start with you will have a very very very hard time keepinhg your gains. Trust me its worth the wait. Also partying... and drinking... while on gear... STUPID whats the point your just goint to destroy the muscles you build. I would just do like i said stick with a test only cycle for 10wks at 400-500mgs wk. But I would hold off and get a good solid base and get your diet in check before you think anymore about it. But you probably wont listen.

  8. #8
    Big orange is offline New Member
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    I hear what your saying.. I feel that right now would be a good time to start though because i have a 2 1/2 month break while im school only going for 5 hours a day instead of working 12 hour days like usual. So basically i have all the time in the world to eat, train and rest... as well as a steady supply of ass while im not out of town working. I really believe im alot farther along than many people who are doing cycles regularly.... but that being said who's to say many of the people i know are really ready to be doing roids... I have a fairly good temper i guess you could say and right now im in good shape money wise, don't drive because i live a block away from my school so theres no chances of major road rage. I had a fun enough time staying happy when taking m1t's so i'm hoping that if i'm taking test i can keep everything in check.

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