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Thread: New Guy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    New Guy

    Hey guys.Im a new guy,im 25,163 pounds,5'6.I did two cycles back when i was 20,took a 5 year break from the gym,just started back up 2 months ago,started at 188 pounds lost 15 pounds on ECA and diet.Im surprised at how fast im getting back in shape,gained an inch on my arms already,strength is also coming back pretty rapidly also i can see my top 2 abs peeking out...wooohoooo,ive never seen them before.hehe.anyway, I got some sus and omn and primo and of course some old russian d-bol to go with it.What do you guys think of a 10 week cycle ,sus and omn for 10 weeks, d-bol for the first 4 weeks ,then hit the primo and ECA after d-bol,got some clomid and nolva ,Im not going to start the cycle for awhile since i am getting good gains naturally now.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I wrote out a long reply and then went back and read that last line again. I am glad to see you are waiting for the natural gains to slow and are taking some more time in the gym. Smart move all the way around. The choice of drugs for the cycle is fine although I am not a fan of primo. Let us know dosages so we can help out a little more.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Sus at 500 or omn,d-bol at 25mg,and primo at 200,I was thinking instead of the primo doing deca but since i dont have deca,Ill stick the primo that i do have.Im hope since ive been off the juice for 5 years it will be just as good as my first cycle,first one is always the best.

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