Originally Posted by
I'm one of those people that read, ask questions, read more, ask questions, etc. and then make up my own mind. Since I don't know anyone on here and they don't know me, it is hard to take everything they say as the gospel. It never hurts to ask a question though. I did and it stopped me from starting a bad cycle at the wrong time.
I'm getting long in the tooth though. When I was young, I did the same thing this guy did. Take it and deal with any problems later. Luckily I didn't have any problem.
Jag is right. There is a science to this and some basic rules to follow.
1. Know what the risks are of the compound you want to take and have the necessary products on hand to combat those risk IF you should need them.
Most every AAS has associated side effects. Because people are different, these sides may or may not hit you. But, you must know what they are and how to deal with them BEFORE you ever start. Google the damn drug and read, read and read!
2. More is not better. This is for the newer guys. Classic first cycle is 500mg test eth a week for 12 weeks. As for PCT...this is where I really get hacked off; guys, THERE IS AN ENTIRE FORUM HERE DEDICATED TO IT! My personal favorite is http://forums.steroid.com/showthread.php?t=169502
There you have it new guys. If you still have questions, post like you at least have a clue. Post your stats (age, height, weight and so on) Post your goal. Post your diet. Post what you think the cycle should be INCLUDING PCT. Then post what you don't understand. You will gain so much respect from people this way!
3. Most importantly, you must have your diet down. Whether it's cutting or bulking.
Diet is 85-90% of this game and whether or not you will succeed or fail. If you don't have a diet plan down pat, then put your little needles and cotton balls away. You are wasting your time and money.
4. Be realistic about your goals. Science can only help what God has created, it cannot change it.
As my Mom use to say. Believe half of what you see and nothing of what you hear. Don't trust some stranger behind a keyboard. Don't trust you 'guy' at the gym. Trust multiple people and books and scientific data from many places.
In other words - Use the damn common sense God gave you!