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Thread: my cycle ( left over from previous cycles )

  1. #1
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Jun 2005

    my cycle ( left over from previous cycles )

    This is how it is! im going to work in ibiza for the summer, 4 months, so every penny i get is going on saving up so i can pay my loans off while im away.

    i have a lot of random gear from previous cycles, and i dont want to leave them in my room while im away. so ive put a cycle together with what ive got! Most people will not like this cycle, i know this so im ready for that! LOL
    Any help or variations on this cycle to make better is appreciated! i will be running letro to try and get rid of some gyno while on cycle. well here goes!

    Week 1 - 400mg DNP ed, 75mg winny ed, 2.5mg letro eod.
    Week 2- 400mg DNP ed , 100mg winny ed, 2.5mg letro eod
    Week 3- Winny 100mg ed, 2.5mg letro eod
    Week 4- winny 100mg ed, 2.5mg letro eod
    week 5- winny 150 mg ed, 2.5mg letro eod
    week 6- winny 150 mg ed, 2.5mg letro eod.

    week 1- 2.5mg letro ed, clomid 100mg ed
    week 2- 2.5mg letro eod, clomid 50mg ed
    week 3- 20 mg nolvadex ed, clomid 50 mg ed
    week 4- 10 mg nolvadex ed, clomid 5o mg ed

    I also have 2 weeks of proviron i would like to take during PCT, should i take the first 2 weeks or the last 2 weeks????

    I will be taking all essential DNP supps, i have ran DNP 2 times, actually on the second right now! + Liv 52 and milk thistle all through cycle and pct, and glucosamine.

    i have ran winny at 100 mg aday with no joint issues. Do you think that running winny at 150 mg is overkill? will the positives outweigh the negatives?
    Has any one got any experience of running winny at this dose??

    ALL help appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sorry I don't like your cycle...

  3. #3
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    LOL prety poor i know! any ideas on what i have mate?

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