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Thread: 1 Week into PCT and Doctor Just Prescribed Accutane! Can I Use it Now??

  1. #1

    1 Week into PCT and Doctor Just Prescribed Accutane! Can I Use it Now??

    Hey guys
    I just got off a superdrol cycle 1 week ago and I'm 1 week into my pct.
    This is my pct plan
    wk1: 40mg Nolva, 600 6oxo, 3 fenugreek caps, DHEA 200mg
    wk2: 40mg Nolva, 600 6oxo, 4 fenugreek caps, DHEA 200mg
    wk4: 20mg Nolva, 300 6oxo, 5 fenugreek caps, DHEA 100mg
    wk3: 10mg Nolva, 300 6oxo, 6 fenugreek caps, DHEA 100mg

    Well I went to the dermatologist a couple days ago for my back acne and she prescribed me accutane. I got a blood test done and she said everything was good to go and I picked up my accutane today from the pharmacy.
    My question is can I take accutane while doing my pct?? Should I wait until im done with the pct?? (I really don't want to do this)
    Thanx guys any help is appreciated.
    BTW even though I'm only 1 week into pct I really do feel that I have fully recovered with no signs of gyno yet.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Den sitta på huk ställ
    As long as your BW came back normal you should be good to go with the accutane...your doc should check your BW again during treatment with the tane and again afterwards.

    Good luck,

  3. #3
    thanx dude
    I really appreciate the answer.
    BTW its 20mg twice a day can't w8 to see results

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    hey bro, all you got was acne on your back?

    you didnt get no pimples on your face? boils? nothing like that?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by hanibal829
    thanx dude
    I really appreciate the answer.
    BTW its 20mg twice a day can't w8 to see results
    I was taking 40mg 5 years ago when my doctor gave me my prescription. I loved it, had barely any acne since and my acne was super bad, it was everywhere, face, back, chest, shoulders. I would leave a yellowish face print stain on my pillow everynight because of all the excess oil coming out of me and my room would smell from it too and there was no such thing as a breakout for me, I was always broken out.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    where can you get accutane? and if its a source post, please PM me

  7. #7
    I got the accutane from my dermatologist man. If you have moderate acne you could just go to yours and he/she will prob prescribe you some. Whats weird is that this was my first dermatologist appoitment ever and she never even suggest using anti-biotics or tropicals. her exact quote was "I can prescribe you anti B and tropicals until our face turns blue but if you want real results i suggest you go on accutane"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    oh wow... maybe ill get some just in case of horrible acne

    so whats accutane? is it a oral prescritpion? is it a topical cream?

  9. #9
    its an oral prescription

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    and a Dr. can prescribe it for you right?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Den sitta på huk ställ
    ^^ Yes.

    Some sources carry it as well.

    Educate yourself on this powerful acne medication before you use it.

    Good luck,

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