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Thread: Test Prop/ TREN / AND Masteron. 3rd cycle Advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Here and there

    Test Prop/ TREN / AND Masteron. 3rd cycle Advice


    This is my 3rd cycle. 1st time running Tren or Masteron. I'm Currently sitting on Prop, Tren and Masteron. With your experience....whats the best way I should run it...weeks...? As usual..just trying to get Big and stay Cuttup... Thanks..peace.

  2. #2
    i like the sound of this im interested


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Caput Mundi
    ....bump...interests to me as well...

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Here and there

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    whats your cycle history?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    just another chiming in to say i'm interested...i feel like this should be my next cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I've run several prop/tren cycles; haven't tried masteron yet, but it's on my list. As for prop/tren, I believe that the rule of thumb is 250-500mg/wk for prop and 50mg ED or 75 mg EOD for tren.
    I use 200 mg prop and 100 mg tren ED, but don't go off of my doses; just about everyone will tell you that my doses are on the heavy side, but it's what works for me. I'm 6'1, 225lbs.

    Caution on the tren, it can have some harsh sides; the only problems that I've had is the night sweats. I'd recommend 75 mg EOD to start; if you don't feel anything after a couple of weeks, increase your dosage.

    And make sure that you've got a solid PCT plan; tren will shut you down HARD.
    Last edited by lousygenes; 03-12-2007 at 07:28 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuttup

    This is my 3rd cycle. 1st time running Tren or Masteron. I'm Currently sitting on Prop, Tren and Masteron. With your experience....whats the best way I should run it...weeks...? As usual..just trying to get Big and stay Cuttup... Thanks..peace.
    What other compounds have you run?

    What are your stats?

    And how were your results from past cycles?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Here and there
    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    What other compounds have you run?

    What are your stats?

    And how were your results from past cycles?
    a 15week Prop/Enathate and Eq...Var

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Here and there
    Are you guys adding Masteron to the beginning or end of your cycle?
    Last edited by Cuttup; 03-13-2007 at 05:03 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In your crawlspace
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuttup
    a 15week Prop/Enathate and Eq...Var

    wait... i'm confused. was that an answer???

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Here and there
    last cycle

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In your crawlspace
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuttup
    a 15week Prop/Enathate and Eq...Var
    so, you ran a 15week cycle of Test Prop/Test Enanthate, Eq, and var for your second cycle??

    and he asked you for stats as well as other things.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Gregalicious
    Don't be a dickhead.

    I only ask so that I can get some feel of your history. I will save you the "you don't need tren on your thrid cycle" lecture (which could be true). However, I will say that I would keep it simple (and safe(r)) by trying those compounds seperately.

    You have no idea how you will react to tren...And definetly no idea how you will react to TWO strong androgens.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    the true north
    my next cycle is gonna be
    prop 75mgs ed 1-12
    mast 75mgs ed 1-12
    tren 75mgs ed 1-10

    then clomid/nolva pct cause its worked good for me everytime so far

  16. #16
    I am currently running:

    Week 1-4 Adrol 100mg ED
    Week 1-15 Test prop 100mg ED
    Week 1-15 Letro 1.5mg ED
    Week 1-9 Tren ace 75mg ED
    Week 10-15 Masteron 100mg ED

    I also plan to throw in some DNP around week 12/13 to aid in fat loss.

    My intention is to add some lean mass for the first 8 or 9 weeks and then to focus on cutting. A lot of guys like to run the tren and masteron a the same time, I have chosen not to don this because it is not recommended to run tren for more than 9/10 weeks or so and I wanted to run a long cycle but if I was to run a short cycle I would use tren and masteron a the same time.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Here and there
    Good point bro.

    Quote Originally Posted by graeme87
    I am currently running:

    Week 1-4 Adrol 100mg ED
    Week 1-15 Test prop 100mg ED
    Week 1-15 Letro 1.5mg ED
    Week 1-9 Tren ace 75mg ED
    Week 10-15 Masteron 100mg ED

    I also plan to throw in some DNP around week 12/13 to aid in fat loss.

    My intention is to add some lean mass for the first 8 or 9 weeks and then to focus on cutting. A lot of guys like to run the tren and masteron a the same time, I have chosen not to don this because it is not recommended to run tren for more than 9/10 weeks or so and I wanted to run a long cycle but if I was to run a short cycle I would use tren and masteron a the same time.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Here and there
    Quote Originally Posted by Gregalicious
    Liar? The f@ck would I be lying about?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Here and there
    Thanks for the advice bro..well this is cycle 3 and Ive been wanting to try Tren for quite sometime. Eq was my choice in the past but I have buddies who swear by Tren. They look better than ever before and have about the same amount of experience as myself. Besides..I wont know the sides unless I try right? lol

    Thanks for your advice though bro.

    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    Don't be a dickhead.

    I only ask so that I can get some feel of your history. I will save you the "you don't need tren on your thrid cycle" lecture (which could be true). However, I will say that I would keep it simple (and safe(r)) by trying those compounds seperately.

    You have no idea how you will react to tren...And definetly no idea how you will react to TWO strong androgens.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by graeme87
    I am currently running:

    Week 1-4 Adrol 100mg ED
    Week 1-15 Test prop 100mg ED
    Week 1-15 Letro 1.5mg ED
    Week 1-9 Tren ace 75mg ED
    Week 10-15 Masteron 100mg ED

    I also plan to throw in some DNP around week 12/13 to aid in fat loss.

    My intention is to add some lean mass for the first 8 or 9 weeks and then to focus on cutting. A lot of guys like to run the tren and masteron a the same time, I have chosen not to don this because it is not recommended to run tren for more than 9/10 weeks or so and I wanted to run a long cycle but if I was to run a short cycle I would use tren and masteron a the same time.
    I was going to say, thats a very different cycle... using all those cutting compounds then Adrol.. how are the gains so far?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I would imagine there good lol

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by lousygenes
    I've run several prop/tren cycles; haven't tried masteron yet, but it's on my list. As for prop/tren, I believe that the rule of thumb is 250-500mg/wk for prop and 50mg ED or 75 mg EOD for tren.
    I use 200 mg prop and 100 mg tren ED, but don't go off of my doses; just about everyone will tell you that my doses are on the heavy side, but it's what works for me. I'm 6'1, 225lbs.

    Caution on the tren, it can have some harsh sides; the only problems that I've had is the night sweats. I'd recommend 75 mg EOD to start; if you don't feel anything after a couple of weeks, increase your dosage.

    And make sure that you've got a solid PCT plan; tren will shut you down HARD.
    Yea def I know novice users of tren that shoot tren at 100mgs and they are on there 6-7 cycles now you might want to start trying a different way of bulking...I mean your body might be getting used to the dosages so why not try sust deca and anadrol and maybe for the last 5 weeks run winstrol. that would def put alot of size then you can have a good cut to...just my thought though.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by gagear628
    Yea def I know novice users of tren that shoot tren at 100mgs and they are on there 6-7 cycles now you might want to start trying a different way of bulking...I mean your body might be getting used to the dosages so why not try sust deca and anadrol and maybe for the last 5 weeks run winstrol. that would def put alot of size then you can have a good cut to...just my thought though.
    I dont know about that one. He wants gain muscle and stay "cuttup," if he ran that he would definitely bloat. Even with the Winstrol at the end.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    I was going to say, thats a very different cycle... using all those cutting compounds then Adrol.. how are the gains so far?
    Well although test prop and tren ace are often used in cutting they also make a very good bulking stack! I have just started week 4 and I am up about 10lbs and not just bloat from the adrol, the lero is doing a pretty good job of keeping gains dry. Strength is also up considerably. So far I am pretty happy with the cycle, I hope to gain maybe another 5lbs or so over the next 5/6 weeks and then focus totally on cutting.

    Ps. Sorry if I am hijacking you thread bro just trying to throw in my experience so far.

  25. #25
    Oh I forgot, I only threw in the Adrol because I had some left over and thought it would help with bulking. I feel it was a good idea as it causes a good synergy effect by having test, a 19-nor and a DHT derivative in the one cycle.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Here and there
    im going into week 4 now...will be adding the Masteron and Var in a couple weeks as i drop the tren.

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