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I've run several prop/tren cycles; haven't tried masteron yet, but it's on my list. As for prop/tren, I believe that the rule of thumb is 250-500mg/wk for prop and 50mg ED or 75 mg EOD for tren.
I use 200 mg prop and 100 mg tren ED, but don't go off of my doses; just about everyone will tell you that my doses are on the heavy side, but it's what works for me. I'm 6'1, 225lbs.
Caution on the tren, it can have some harsh sides; the only problems that I've had is the night sweats. I'd recommend 75 mg EOD to start; if you don't feel anything after a couple of weeks, increase your dosage.
And make sure that you've got a solid PCT plan; tren will shut you down HARD.