Okay guys, i have a question a freind of mine is too scared to get on this site for himself and wants to know if you have any answers for him.
He went to the doctor's office yesterday and found out that his testostorone levels were very low, that brought the dr, to asking him a few questions and things because he wanted to do a cycle, but was scared, because he thought he had gyno.
So, he went to the dr, the dr, told him that based on his blood samples that he has a syndrome called klinefelter. Which affects ones abilty to produce fertility but also increases the amount of estrogen in the body. there are many weaknesses and problems that the patient goes thru.
So what he is wondering, the dr. told him his test level is far below normal, the normal test level for a young adult is about 400-500, with a low of 250 and a high of 820.
so my friends checked in test level was a low 165, which means he is at the level of a 13yr old boy.
So, what i am really trying to ask you steroid guys, is do you know what will happen to this guy as far as strength and weight gain the next year, but will he gain considerable weight if he eats, sleeps, and trains hard?
he was prescribed 200mg/week depo test for one year.
what will happen after the first 3 months?
I have done a cycle of sustanon, and deca, but I also know that we are recommended to stop after 12 weeks max, what will happen to him, since he will be doing that for a long time?
Any help is always helpful