OK here is where im at. Im 27 years old,6'2" and weigh 217lbs. Not sure about the bodyfat % but I really need to lose the gut. I can see my top two abs but thats it and I have always wanted a nice midsection. I have been training for over a year and was thinking of bulking. The thing is I am afraid I will gain more fat.I don't want to cut and be to small. I like my weight but just want to loose some fat. I figure no need to cut if there is nothing to cut. Eating right is my biggest problem. I have a hard time trying to figure out what and when to eat. I would love to see more strength and muscle but I want to lose some fat also. I was thinking of a test,d-bol and deca cycle. Then the more I read about fina I thought about fina instead of deca. Any suggestions. The only thing bought so far is the test and im ready to order some clomid, ( figure get it now so I will have it later. I want it and Nolva before I do anything. Thats why I have been holding out on the test.) I am looking for advice before I buy something that I don't need or find something better for what I want. Could I through some winstrol in at the end of a 10 week test and fina cycle. Maybe bulk now and cut later? What do some of you guys think? I know that diet and cardio play the BIGGEST factor in fatloss but the weekends are hard for my diet and it's to damn hot here to run. Thanks for everyones help.