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Thread: Need Advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Need Advice

    OK here is where im at. Im 27 years old,6'2" and weigh 217lbs. Not sure about the bodyfat % but I really need to lose the gut. I can see my top two abs but thats it and I have always wanted a nice midsection. I have been training for over a year and was thinking of bulking. The thing is I am afraid I will gain more fat.I don't want to cut and be to small. I like my weight but just want to loose some fat. I figure no need to cut if there is nothing to cut. Eating right is my biggest problem. I have a hard time trying to figure out what and when to eat. I would love to see more strength and muscle but I want to lose some fat also. I was thinking of a test,d-bol and deca cycle. Then the more I read about fina I thought about fina instead of deca. Any suggestions. The only thing bought so far is the test and im ready to order some clomid, ( figure get it now so I will have it later. I want it and Nolva before I do anything. Thats why I have been holding out on the test.) I am looking for advice before I buy something that I don't need or find something better for what I want. Could I through some winstrol in at the end of a 10 week test and fina cycle. Maybe bulk now and cut later? What do some of you guys think? I know that diet and cardio play the BIGGEST factor in fatloss but the weekends are hard for my diet and it's to damn hot here to run. Thanks for everyones help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Bro, this is not meant as a flame. But in my opinion u need to get ur diet in order first! No AS is going to magically make u loss weight. Its diet and dedication. Seems to me u have neither in check yet. Best advice i can give u is, get ur diet in check train hard then think about using AS.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    It really sounds like you know in your mind everything you need to know but your fighting your self which will always be a lose lose situation. In my opion #1 Bulk up the gear your thinking about sounds fine research them first #2 your DIET research!!!!!!! that to its deffinately the MOST important bulking or cutting #3 finish up cycle by cutting use that winny and might be good idea to keep on the test during the winny so your body doesnt get to catabolic to fast when you start cutting after that bulk up #4 YES, maybe you thought after that winny your done NO NO thats when the real fun starts your gonna have to bust your ass in the and on the diet unless you dont mind throwing away a couple hundred and results of 12wks busting as thats on you but I would mind!!!!!!!!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I knew I would get alot of responses refering to the diet part. That is fine because that is where I know I need to focus the most. The problem is that I can eat clean all week but on the weekend it is hard. also I get so tired of chicken and tuna that I just want to say the hell with it. My diet is basically like this. 6:00am protien shake and 75grams of oatmeal. 9:00 another shake and a piece of fruit. Lunch is tuna or chicken salad made with low fat mayo a cup of yougart and some fat free crackers. 2:30 protien bar. 4:00 im in the gym. Supper between 6:30 and 7:30 and usually what ever I want. Just before bed another protien shake then it lights out around 10:30. Well that sums up the week schedule. During the weekend I blow it. I mean nothing like burger king but we have Chinese food or Mexican or just go the Steakhouse. The problem is I don't think I eat as much on the wekend like I do during the week and thats where im screwed. I feel that my body goes into a storage phase during this time. The reason I don't eat as often on the weekend is because im so damn busy. I train 4 days a week Mon-Thur. Fri I hit anything I didn't get in during the week but usually take Fri,Sat,and Sun off for rest. Well that sums up my diet problem. As far as the AS goes im not in a big rush to start it's just that I need more strength. My Bench is only 250 my Deadlifts are 475 and squats are 365. I want more strength. Any more advice would be appreaciated. Oh and before I go,OG that wasn't took as a flame! No problem bro your just giving your 2 cents and I thank you!!!! Later

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Cool bro! Well,,,,seems like u do have ur diet in order..The only reason why i mentioned diet is because on AS one of the most important, if not the most important thing is eating right... If u dont eat right u wont grow. Or u'll grow in all the wrong places.. I still recommend getting ur eatting habits in order and get down to a weight ur comfortable with. Then start thinking about AS. Because again, u have to eat when juicing. Next like Diesel said...u need to decide on a cutting cycle or bulking? Then go from there. Ohhh and test should be the base of any cycle u decide on. Hope this helps a little more..


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    You may want to change up your training rountine. Four days on and three off doesn't allow your body to get the rest it needs. Try mon,wed,fri,sat. Your your muscles need a day off in between workouts.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Thanks bros. Swampthing I will think about that. My routine is like this
    Mon-Chest and Biceps
    Wed-Shoulders and Triceps
    I like to break legs into 2 days so I hit Quads on tues and then go for hamstrings on fri. Critique if you have any suggestions.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I think that people should always eat their first meal of the day. It is a much better jump start for the metabolism and nutrients are absorbed better. Make your protein shake your second meal. And don't give me that I don't have time crap either. Morning cardio makes a huge difference when cutting so consider that as option 1. Don't give me that I don't have time crap either. Spend more time planning your meals on the weekends. I generally cook up all my daytime meals for the week on Sunday's and Wednesdays. Don't give me that I don't have time crap either. I hope you see a theme with this post. None of us have the time that is what makes are accomplishments so great.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Rickson, thanks for the tips bro. I understand what you mean about the I don't have time crap. What I meant was that on weekends I get busy doing other stuff that I don't pay attention and loose track of when to eat. Than before I know it I have only eaten once or twice that day. I have heard others saythe prepare there mealsin advance. If you don't mind what do you fix that want go bad over a few days time? Also what are some of your meals? This would be a great idea but im afraid that if I fix to much it will spoil and then I just have to throw it away. Thanks alot.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hey bro,
    I hope you know I was just busting your balls a little with that post so don't take it to seriously. I am exactly like you though if I don't make myself eat I can go all day without eating and God knows if I miss a meal I drop three frickin pounds.

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