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Thread: cycle update ,need advice

  1. #1

    cycle update ,need advice

    starting wk 5 of 10 wk drol,sus,deca cycle,in wk 10 im going to add 50 mg winny ed and 100 mg prop ed and run it for 3 wks until end of wk 13
    hers where you guys come in.
    i m thinking of adding 400 mg wk of primo to wks 10-13 for an added hardening effect,but dont want to wait so long to start clomid.
    do you think 3 wks of primo,mixed with winny and test prop will shut me down hard enough not to statr my clomid 3 days out of this cycle.or should i start the primo wk 7-10.

    easy version
    wk 1-4 drol 50/100/100 50(done)
    wk 1-10 deca 500 mg wk
    wk 1-10 sus 500 mg wk
    wk 10-13 winny 50 mg ed (add primo 400 mg wk for 3 wks)
    wk 10-13 prop 100 mg ed
    clomid 3 days out? or still wait 14 days?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Well prop's HALF LIFE is three days not it's clearance time so if you want to run clomid in week 13 then I would stop the prop in can start clomid three days after the winny though and the primo shouldn't cause TOO much trouble at 400mg/w but that is the upper limit.

  3. #3
    thanks bro,so if i stop the prop wk 12 but continue with primo till wk 13 i can still go on clomid 3 days out of the cycle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I guess I wasn't super clear on 400mg/w of primo it starts to affect the hpta in some ppl....that is the MOST I would run while trying to recover.....but you should be fine with it.

  5. #5
    ok kizer i have a better idea i think
    ill run the prop to wk 12 ,run the winny till wk 14,and the primo 300 mg wk till wk 14 also,dose this sound like a safer plan?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I think you would be better off with that but if you are running the winny and primo to 14 then you can get away running the prop to 13

  7. #7
    thank you my friend

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    anytime bro...hell you may just wanna run the primo as a bridge....seeing as how it has a long halflife and would just be getting started when you discontinue it

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    when should you start the clomid if running prop? even if the half life is 3 days, then start the clomid after 6 days? i always thought that the idea behind running prop to finish the cycle was so you could start the clo sooner. granted its still sooner than with enan or cyp, but maybe not as early as i thought. i always heard 3 days after last shot.........

    peace bb79

  10. #10
    i hear 3 days too bro,but kizer is a smart bro,im going to say (happy medium) 5 days

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