Can fina cause anxiety?
Or any other types of roids
on deca, test, winny, fina, T3, clen, right now and totally going nuts over nothing.
Can fina cause anxiety?
Or any other types of roids
on deca, test, winny, fina, T3, clen, right now and totally going nuts over nothing.
Yes it happens.Fina will make a brother really edgey.
P.S go nuts with the weights.
Last edited by ultra150; 08-03-2002 at 03:17 PM.
alot os gear will do that to you. the trick is how to control it and take it out in the gym!
this is the second most important thing about gear
#1 being diet
Nah not aggresive nothing like this I mean. Just that emotionnaly I feel like shit and bitchy, I take words alway the bad way and go totally nuts over a verb LOL.
Fina is the one drug that will give you a "Roid Rage"
Roid Rage, hmmm nah!
Im not aggresive, just that it bring me some negativity and makes me very anxious.
So in other words, you feel like a woman. Mood swings brutha.
I had some anxiety problems in the past that came back on my last Test\Deca cycle. It was annoying, not killer or anything. It subsided late in my cycle and it was not bad enough to keep me from doin another
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