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Thread: Help With Propinate / Deca cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Help With Propinate / Deca cycle

    I have been reading that propinate is good for less water retention compared to other test, I relize the only big draw back is every other day injections what do you guys think ??? I have a bottle of TT propinate 100mgs anybody familar with it what kind of results did you expeirence with TT or any other brands? Im going to stack it 100mgs EOD with Deca 600mgs wk for a ten wk cycle. Considering T400 for the first 5wks and then the Propinate for the last 5wks!!!
    Last edited by PHATCAT; 08-03-2002 at 03:37 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I like prop very much. Run it weeks 9-14 so you can clear the deca and start recovery. It looks like a nice cycle but think you would enjoy 40mg of dbol the first four weeks to give it a nice kickstart.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    40mg Dbol for wks that would make me swell up a bit lots of water retention is that correct and do you like that TT propinate

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I answered this in a PM but thought I would answer it here as well. Yes the dbol will definetly make you hold water but in honesty I retain some water on Deca anyway. The prop tends to keep bloat lower if you add some arimidex you will have little water gain from the test. You can run the prop at the beginning and end of your cycle if you would like a quick start and quick recovery phase.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Anabolic Review gave Propinate big thumbs up but it doesnt seem to many use it. ARE you guys scared of those shots? It seems like it. They dont bother me. Alot of people came off complaining huge on that T400 but now as time goes on lots of guys are saying the pain is nothing like everyone was anitally crying! Im sure the spot shots hurt with anything but thats because theres just so much less fat and muscle tissue.

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