Hey all im starting my next cycle soon im running Tren at 200 for ten weeks EOD and winstroll at 100 EOD , thinking of running some test cyp to start as well would like some feed back on that thought as well, and have all my gear for PCT as well my stats are of now 6'4" 235 lbs BF% 12 im wanting to get to 240 and around 9% BF, as of now i can hit 315 on bench 3 times and squats up to 350( yea i know kinda low) and a 425 deadlift (yea go figure??) i consume at least 300g of protein a day and have my carb in take dialed in and healthy fats as well , as far as that goes just want to keep my gains a and maintain BF% for the summer for the ol lady was wondering about anavar as well instead of doing test cyp or ist that too much anyways appreciate feed back ....