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  1. #1
    Jefferey's Avatar
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    Syntherol And Strength

    I'd like to know those that have used Syntherol injections into the Bi's and Tri's if this effected your strength...A couple of days ago (10th day on syntherol) was back and bi day fro training..I did my normal routine which was Pulldowns, Bent over Rows, deadlifts and biceps...When I got to bi's the exercise was going to be Standing curls...The sets would have looked like this.

    10 x 80
    10 x 90
    10 x 100
    10 x 110

    When I got to the third set ( 10 x 100) I could only get 2 reps...So I didn't want to finish off there and figured I'd do 2 sets of Db curls leaning over the back side of a preacher bench...I normally do this with reps of 40-45 lbs..I cpouldn't even get 1 rep with 30 lbs...

    Anyone else who has done Syntherol in the arms I'd like your thoughts about the above...I posted this in this forum as the Administrator felt this would be the correct forum for it..Mod's if you feel different please move it and PM me where it was moved to so I don't have to hunt for it.

  2. #2
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Syntherol shouldn't increase strength. it only temperarily increases muscle volume. You shouldn't be getting stronger off that stuff.

  3. #3
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    I figure the swelling in the muscle and inflamation probably of course hampered your strength. Ive heard this before, so its not something new. That side effect will go away. I hope you didnt inject your bis with the synthol the same day you worked them!?

  4. #4
    Jefferey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maldorf
    I figure the swelling in the muscle and inflamation probably of course hampered your strength. Ive heard this before, so its not something new. That side effect will go away. I hope you didnt inject your bis with the synthol the same day you worked them!?
    Sure I did..I'm injecting them everyday for 30 days and then maintence for 6 weeks...I'm following Big A's protocol..If I didn't inject them the day I worked out, I'd end up not working the bi's for a month or skipping the injections which I don't want to do.

  5. #5
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28
    Syntherol shouldn't increase strength. it only temperarily increases muscle volume. You shouldn't be getting stronger off that stuff.
    u need to read up on synthol for sure u have no concept of SEO's

    i have used it its ok.. str comes way way later.. first part is streching the myofascia.. AND THIS HURTS ME so bad .. omg str plumits on most lifts so i switch to high rep high volume... after 30-40days of strecthing u stop thats when they muscle fills in the gap since it finally has room to grow at a much greater rate.

  6. #6
    Jefferey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    u need to read up on synthol for sure u have no concept of SEO's

    i have used it its ok.. str comes way way later.. first part is streching the myofascia.. AND THIS HURTS ME so bad .. omg str plumits on most lifts so i switch to high rep high volume... after 30-40days of strecthing u stop thats when they muscle fills in the gap since it finally has room to grow at a much greater rate.
    Funny you should say that tai..i have read plenty on it but never found any info saying that strength would go down for a period of time...I never do anything without research...,To freakin old to make mistakes..I do plenty of massaging and stretching and yes the strethching is a mofo.

    I wasn't asking if Syntherol makes a person stronger as I know that's not the purpose of syn. ..I just didn't know that it could have an effect causing loss in strength for a while.......So far I haven't loss any strength on any lifts except for Bicep Curls...

    Now Tai you seem to know everything and figured i did no research...Please do us all a favor and show me that you did some research on it and copy and paste on this thread info from some type of literature stating that syntherol will decrease your strength...

    Now TAI you don't have to if you can't find some and only posted your smartass remark because of your own personal use with syntherol...I have no problem you making an ass out of me by posting the research..I just don't believe it to be out there as I couldn't find it and may have done more research on it then you did..
    Last edited by Jefferey; 03-15-2007 at 02:44 PM.

  7. #7
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    How about a before, during and after picture summary?

    Nevermind, saw your other thread.

    Good Luck,
    Last edited by ottomaddox; 03-15-2007 at 11:47 AM.

  8. #8
    Big Drez's Avatar
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    This is a newbie question I know...but is syntherol like a base oil?

  9. #9
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    first part is streching the myofascia.. AND THIS HURTS ME so bad ..

    I thought that's all it did was make more room for muscle to grow. I didn't think you could get stronger on that stuff by itself. That's the stuff thet Valentino used to get the world's largest arms.

    well, you learn something new everyday i guess....


  10. #10
    Jefferey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28
    I thought that's all it did was make more room for muscle to grow. I didn't think you could get stronger on that stuff by itself. That's the stuff thet Valentino used to get the world's largest arms.

    well, you learn something new everyday i guess....

    It's not for strength...I think what's happening is they are soere from the injections..Also they seem to feel like they are always pumped...Ever pumped your arms up..Seems after they are pumped and tired your strength goes down..This is all I can think that is happening..

    My strength should start going thru the roof anytime soon..For those that didn't see my cycle in the other forum, I started a cycle consisting of the below the same day of the Syntherol..
    also in 12 days I have poke ea upper arm 48 times..this will cause soreness, trust me.

    Test 1 gr
    Deca 600 mgs
    Eq 400 mgs
    D-bol 40 mgs
    Drol 50 mgs.
    Last edited by Jefferey; 03-15-2007 at 11:53 AM.

  11. #11
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    oh ok.....

  12. #12
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    When I think of "syntherol" this is what comes to mind: SAD.............

    It's got a really bad reputation for making people look disfigured too.

    Unless your goal is to look distorted and deformed?
    Check out those calves.

    I don't even know what to say, why?
    Last edited by ottomaddox; 03-15-2007 at 12:18 PM.

  13. #13
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    good lord. That's how Greg Valentino got arms that big.

    Did anyone else catch TLC's "The Man Who's Arms Exploded" last night? Very interesting...and of course, spreads BS propaganda.

    Showed some nice gear though

  14. #14
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
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    OMFG! shit man at what point will some people finally say, enough is enough? that dudes calves are f'n sick.

  15. #15
    Jefferey's Avatar
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    I believe Valentines arm size came mostly from implants, not SEO's you guys~!

  16. #16
    Jefferey's Avatar
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    Here's a dude that took his arms from 19 to 21" using syntherol and still kept it all after a long spell and I think his arms look great and are not deformed at all..He states that it gave him this peak you see..
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Syntherol And Strength-frontbi2.jpg  

  17. #17
    Jefferey's Avatar
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    update on strength...Today was chest, delts and tri's...When I got to tri's my exercise was skullcrushers....

    I was able to add 5 lbs to all three sets and got an additional 4 reps total...So I have no clue what happened the other day with bi's unless it was the deadlifts which I never do when working bi's that day...Maybe 5 sets of 5 reps on deads did it

  18. #18
    Titleist's Avatar
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    wow those pictures are fvcking disgusting.

  19. #19
    Jefferey's Avatar
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    Here's a guy I know from another board who added 2" from using syntherol..You just need to use it correctly and you might get these type of results..
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Syntherol And Strength-frontbi2.jpg  

  20. #20
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Jefferey
    Funny you should say that tai..i have read plenty on it but never found any info saying that strength would go down for a period of time...I never do anything without research...,To freakin old to make mistakes..I do plenty of massaging and stretching and yes the strethching is a mofo.

    I wasn't asking if Syntherol makes a person stronger as I know that's not the purpose of syn. ..I just didn't know that it could have an effect causing loss in strength for a while.......So far I haven't loss any strength on any lifts except for Bicep Curls...

    Now Tai you seem to know everything and figured i did no research...Please do us all a favor and show me that you did some research on it and copy and paste on this thread info from some type of literature stating that syntherol will decrease your strength...

    Now TAI you don't have to if you can't find some and only posted your smartass remark because of your own personal use with syntherol...I have no problem you making an ass out of me by posting the research..I just don't believe it to be out there as I couldn't find it and may have done more research on it then you did..
    Hmmm... i see... this is my fault in the first place for bringing the ass out of u.. i should of stated the reason for the drop in strenght, for i was building off other posters' responses on synthol, not just from this thread but others.
    Did u not see the reasoning i gave behind the str gain? even BIG A him self has stated that numberous POWER LIFTERS will utilize synthol in there lagging parts... but as for the initial use of synthol str will decrease due to the localized pain which can bring about a hinderence to ones training.. yeah some people can push through great for them but usually the stretching of myofascia is crippling. After the first week or so the pain subsides. I have read that "this is ur body getting use to it" and i have read that "The % of the stretching of the myofascia isnt as large so the pain generally decreases."

    AND when did i say JACK SHIT bout you not doing any research? did i call you an uneducated 3rd world bastard child? NO infact i was thinking holy krap someone payed attention to BIG'A for once on the subject of SEO's.

    and up for the record.. THE INITAL SENTENCE WAS DIRECTED TO THE PERSON I QUOTED.. dont think every comment i make is about you my friend, for as a matter a fact the world does revolve around me

  21. #21
    Jefferey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    Hmmm... i see... this is my fault in the first place for bringing the ass out of u.. i should of stated the reason for the drop in strenght, for i was building off other posters' responses on synthol, not just from this thread but others.
    Did u not see the reasoning i gave behind the str gain? even BIG A him self has stated that numberous POWER LIFTERS will utilize synthol in there lagging parts... but as for the initial use of synthol str will decrease due to the localized pain which can bring about a hinderence to ones training.. yeah some people can push through great for them but usually the stretching of myofascia is crippling. After the first week or so the pain subsides. I have read that "this is ur body getting use to it" and i have read that "The % of the stretching of the myofascia isnt as large so the pain generally decreases."

    AND when did i say JACK SHIT bout you not doing any research? did i call you an uneducated 3rd world bastard child? NO infact i was thinking holy krap someone payed attention to BIG'A for once on the subject of SEO's.

    and up for the record.. THE INITAL SENTENCE WAS DIRECTED TO THE PERSON I QUOTED.. dont think every comment i make is about you my friend, for as a matter a fact the world does revolve around me
    Tai I won't get in a pissing match with you as neither will win..When a person makes this statement
    Originally Posted by taiboxa
    u need to read up on synthol for sure u have no concept of SEO's
    they are implying that you haven't done your research..Reading my friend is research.....Now I know Big A and nowhere in any of the two forums on Syntherol does it state that you will lose strength....I'll let it be..but think you could have shown a little more respect, cause you don't know how much reading /research I did on this including reading other post from over 15 different bodybuilding sites..This is all I have to do all day long is research and eat and lift weights..Oh get a little Puxxy hear and there... Peace Tai~!

  22. #22
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    No, he was attempting to flame me for some reason....maybe to make him feel better about himself. That's what that sentence was.

    he's cool in my book

  23. #23
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28
    No, he was attempting to flame me for some reason....maybe to make him feel better about himself. That's what that sentence was.

    he's cool in my book
    omg wtf IS EVERYONE ON THEIR PERIOD TODAY?! holy shit

    lol Jefferey- i was commenting to DIZZ saying he needed to reseach (NOT FLAMING him either, if i was flaming, I would call him an R-Tard and tell him to go play in traffic) since both comments Dizz made, "it only temperarily increases muscle volume. You shouldn't be getting stronger off that stuff." both of those are NOT wat synthol is about.. synthol is about MYOFASCIA stretching to allow the muscle to grow faster... and we all know that more often then not.. when one increases LBM they usully increase strength as well...

    but Sweet Moses... lets just take everything tai says, treat as if he is directly INSULTING ME and try to have an e-Fight.. yeah real cool

  24. #24
    Swifto's Avatar
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    I'm not 100% sure, but most of those picturs look like implants. Not SEO's use. The guy on the beach looks like he has chest implanats. The front double bi's bodybuilder (mess) looks like he has calf inplants and tricep implants. The rest...**** knows. First picture, either massive miss use of SEO's of implants again.

    I believe, after reading logs on synthol on, SEO's stretch the muscle fascia. It then leaves space of more muscle growth, strength gains and can aid in injury rebilitattion(sp).

  25. #25
    Jefferey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    I'm not 100% sure, but most of those picturs look like implants. Not SEO's use. The guy on the beach looks like he has chest implanats. The front double bi's bodybuilder (mess) looks like he has calf inplants and tricep implants. The rest...**** knows. First picture, either massive miss use of SEO's of implants again.

    I believe, after reading logs on synthol on, SEO's stretch the muscle fascia. It then leaves space of more muscle growth, strength gains and can aid in injury rebilitattion(sp).
    Valentines size came from implants...The pic I posted is real...This guy took his arms from 19 to 21"..They just look bigger because of his frame size

  26. #26
    Jefferey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    omg wtf IS EVERYONE ON THEIR PERIOD TODAY?! holy shit

    lol Jefferey- i was commenting to DIZZ saying he needed to reseach (NOT FLAMING him either, if i was flaming, I would call him an R-Tard and tell him to go play in traffic) since both comments Dizz made, "it only temperarily increases muscle volume. You shouldn't be getting stronger off that stuff." both of those are NOT wat synthol is about.. synthol is about MYOFASCIA stretching to allow the muscle to grow faster... and we all know that more often then not.. when one increases LBM they usully increase strength as well...

    but Sweet Moses... lets just take everything tai says, treat as if he is directly INSULTING ME and try to have an e-Fight.. yeah real cool
    You and I all cool Tai..Has to be that way or this old man would have to jump thru his computer and out yours and kick the crap out of your young tai boxing butt...LOL
    Last edited by Jefferey; 03-16-2007 at 08:41 AM.

  27. #27
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Jefferey
    You and I all cool Tai..Has to be that way or this old man would have to jump thru his computer and out yours and kick the crap out of your young tai boxing butt...LOL
    ha, well im glad to hear it..

  28. #28
    cj1capp's Avatar
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    they all look disgusting to me implants and synthol

  29. #29
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Funnily enough when injecting Bis I did get a strenth increase in the first week or so. Wether this was pschological (maybe i was hyped about the way my bis were feeling) or wether it was something else I do not know. Obviously SEOs dont give strength gains but maybe it is possible that someone with a tight facsia on that muscle gets it stretched and allows for a stronger contraction or something?

  30. #30
    Crest is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    Hmmm... i see... this is my fault in the first place for bringing the ass out of u.. i should of stated the reason for the drop in strenght, for i was building off other posters' responses on synthol, not just from this thread but others.
    Did u not see the reasoning i gave behind the str gain? even BIG A him self has stated that numberous POWER LIFTERS will utilize synthol in there lagging parts... but as for the initial use of synthol str will decrease due to the localized pain which can bring about a hinderence to ones training.. yeah some people can push through great for them but usually the stretching of myofascia is crippling. After the first week or so the pain subsides. I have read that "this is ur body getting use to it" and i have read that "The % of the stretching of the myofascia isnt as large so the pain generally decreases."

    AND when did i say JACK SHIT bout you not doing any research? did i call you an uneducated 3rd world bastard child? NO infact i was thinking holy krap someone payed attention to BIG'A for once on the subject of SEO's.

    and up for the record.. THE INITAL SENTENCE WAS DIRECTED TO THE PERSON I QUOTED.. dont think every comment i make is about you my friend, for as a matter a fact the world does revolve around me

    i got it, it wasnt that hard to understand bud

  31. #31
    Jefferey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    Funnily enough when injecting Bis I did get a strenth increase in the first week or so. Wether this was pschological (maybe i was hyped about the way my bis were feeling) or wether it was something else I do not know. Obviously SEOs dont give strength gains but maybe it is possible that someone with a tight facsia on that muscle gets it stretched and allows for a stronger contraction or something?
    Not me..Tri's are fine and because of the gear getting stronger..But like today again the bi's are weak as hell...I'm about 60% of what I can normally do on biceps movements..

  32. #32
    doittoit's Avatar
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    personally i would have started the syntherol 30 days prior to cycle than do maintanence (for 6-10 weeks)injects the night prior to legs, than u can train heavy.

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